Glen Sathers Cigar
Sather 4 Ever
1. Kreider for 6m per for 6 years or 6.5m per for 5 years and I re-sign him. I legitimately believe his unique skill set and presence as a veteran could be very important going forward for the kids. We always hear about how he sets such a great example. Plus I just love the player and what he brings. If they can get him 6x6 I think you have to sign him.
2. I might be in the minority on this but I haven't been as enamored with Georgiev as everyone else and I think the move is the drive the price up for him now and move him. He's had his "on" nights where he looks unbeatable but for every one of those there are 2 nights where he looks bad and another where he's horrible. Multiple games this season of 3+ goals against while facing shot counts in the teens. I think he definitely has an NHL future but I don't think he's a potential star or franchise player like I see some posting online. If we had no other goalies in the pipeline I'd maybe feel differently, but Igor is here already and I believe he actually is a future star. Plus we have Wall, Huska and Lindbolm plus whoever else they pick off the UFA heap and Allaire works with. We're more stacked at goalie than anywhere else.
This is why I'm of the opinion of acting on moving him now instead of kicking it down the road. I believe his ceiling to be good backup or 1b platoon guy. I think pushing this down the road too long could result in Gorton overplaying his hand instead of maximizing the asset. I think best case scenario here is moving him for a good return and now we have whatever we get in exchange for him plus Igor as our starter going forward and the other goalie in the pipeline for when Hank retires.