RIP Ginger Papa

Seriously, Ginger Papa jumped to mind last night when I logged in to read about the game (I missed it), hoping to see a few of his wall of meme posts and get a hit of that positive, humerous energy he always brought to the board.

Really sad news, but can say I'm a better person for having "known" him. He's already missed. Peace to you Sir.
I didn't interact with him much directly, but I always enjoyed his contributions, and clearly by everyone's responses, he was a quality person, very well liked and appreciated.

Always sad to lose family or friends, and those whom we share a unique bond or connection with.

Condolences to his family and to everyone who knew him here.
He used to post in the Ranger gdt's from time to time and post hilarious gifs.I used to call him the gif king.He was a joy to be around and brought laughter and good vibes with him whenever he came around.My best go out to his family,friends and those of us who's lives he touched.Rest Well Friend
Ironically was thinking about him last night when i went to link a GIF for Boeser's 2nd goal and just posted a picture instead.

Was thinking how the hell did he do so many so quickly and with wit and humour. That i missed him and was wondering about where why he wasn't around anymore.

Sadly got my answer today. Will be missed greatly
Just a bit of nostalgia, his last GDT of HFVGK... was the 2nd to last game before Covid cancelled the season.


