RIP Ginger Papa

Seriously, Ginger Papa jumped to mind last night when I logged in to read about the game (I missed it), hoping to see a few of his wall of meme posts and get a hit of that positive, humerous energy he always brought to the board.

Really sad news, but can say I'm a better person for having "known" him. He's already missed. Peace to you Sir.
Ironically was thinking about him last night when i went to link a GIF for Boeser's 2nd goal and just posted a picture instead.

Was thinking how the hell did he do so many so quickly and with wit and humour. That i missed him and was wondering about where why he wasn't around anymore.

Sadly got my answer today. Will be missed greatly
Just a bit of nostalgia, his last GDT of HFVGK... was the 2nd to last game before Covid cancelled the season.

adding hide avatars option

