OT: Restaurant thread

Anyone notice if their favourite restaurants are less busy these days? I wonder if places that embraced the communal table concept are regretting that now. Gotta think Folklorama doesn't happen this year.
Slightly OT but I've heard that the Wpg Folk Festival is unlikely to happen this year as well. That to me is a huge bummer.
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I’d guess the fringe festival will be cancelled. It’s essential actors from all over the world traveling from city to city and performing to audiences in small closed venues which is pretty much the exact opposite of what you’d want in a contagion scenario.
I had to stop on a not very busy street to deal with some text messages last Saturday. I noticed 5 pizza deliveries in the short time I was pulled over.
The Gates on Roblin has a deal on in response to the present situation. No delivery fee and 15% off for Headingley residents. Moreover, the owner posted this on our neighbourhood Facebook group:

Thanks for allowing me into the page. Those of you who don’t know me, I am an owner and operate The Gates on Roblin. At this time, as we tune in every day to the news and try to sift through what is fact, what is fear, and what is new coming around the corner, there are a few immutable realities in our current situation:
One: Stores are being pillaged and essential health and hygiene supplies are being hoarded and stockpiled by a selfish few. Two: Those who need these supplies - not 400 rolls of toilet paper, but maybe just one case of disinfectant wipes for a senior - do not run the risk of standing in line for an hour in a store, might not pay the exorbitant price for what is left, or cannot find any.
This is intolerable to me and poses a real and needless health risk in addition to contagion and transmission.
At this time, I just want to say that I have easy access to bulk paper, cleaning, and sanitation supplies. If you know of someone in need - a family with small children or seniors unwilling to go out - please just let me know. I will deliver supplies to them personally. We are not selling supplies and we will not fill anyone’s basement. But we will GIVE whatever is necessary to keep members in our community safe and healthy.
Please be prudent, be conscientious, and let’s all get through these trying times.

Our family took advantage of the deal on Saturday night. The Gates always has the best rack of lamb and being delivered made no difference to the quality. Terrific dining at home. Unfortunately our seven year old twins were disappointed that we didn't get McDonalds.

Slightly OT, but can anyone tell me if any restaurants/lounges/coffee shops are open in the evenings right now? A quick scan for Earls, Moxies, and Starbucks says none of those are open.
I have to watch how much i eat , don't have much shit paper . :jk:

Just on case here you go

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Slightly OT, but can anyone tell me if any restaurants/lounges/coffee shops are open in the evenings right now? A quick scan for Earls, Moxies, and Starbucks says none of those are open.

Pretty much everyone is closed now in Winnipeg.
Slightly OT, but can anyone tell me if any restaurants/lounges/coffee shops are open in the evenings right now? A quick scan for Earls, Moxies, and Starbucks says none of those are open.

Try Pony Corral. They were on the news the other night about the safeguards they are taking to keep their premises safe while remaining open. And Brazen Hall was getting some internet shaming recently for also being open. AFAIC, if these places are following the restrictions set forth by the province, nothing wrong with them being open. I'll bet all these self-righteous finger-pointers online still have a regular income heading their way. Unlike all the servers, etc being laid off while bars and dining rooms are closed. The economic damage on some people will far exceed the damage of getting sick for a few weeks.
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Slightly OT, but can anyone tell me if any restaurants/lounges/coffee shops are open in the evenings right now? A quick scan for Earls, Moxies, and Starbucks says none of those are open.

Wee little thing called the Coronavirus going around right now, apparently it’s contagious!:sarcasm:
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Try Pony Corral. They were on the news the other night about the safeguards they are taking to keep their premises safe while remaining open. And Brazen Hall was getting some internet shaming recently for also being open. AFAIC, if these places are following the restrictions set forth by the province, nothing wrong with them being open. I'll bet all these self-righteous finger-pointers online still have a regular income heading their way. Unlike all the servers, etc being laid off while bars and dining rooms are closed. The economic damage on some people will far exceed the damage of getting sick for a few weeks.

Shit like this gets people killed.
I’m curious if people are going through takeout windows or ordering food delivered as much as before the crisis. I‘d be tempted to guess both takeout and delivery are way down, but hard to say, as for many people not cooking is their normal lifestyle.
I’m curious if people are going through takeout windows or ordering food delivered as much as before the crisis. I‘d be tempted to guess both takeout and delivery are way down, but hard to say, as for many people not cooking is their normal lifestyle.

My wife and I are in a good position financially...

Before this started we believed in cooking fresh meals for ourselves... cheaper and we can control the ingredients - so healthy for sure...

But we have been making sure we order delivery at least twice a week to restaurants in West Winnipeg we value...

We need to look after our community businesses...

And we tip extra over what we would to the delivery person in order to help their families as their is some risk on their part...

So we are doing the reverse of what you would think... because we can... and want to help...

Besides what we make sometimes is not as good - Pizza's aren't as good as Pizza Hotline... or Irish Nacho's & Wings from The Thirsty Lion...

And it's easy for us to do... it's really to help others...


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