So I finished hunting all the gunslingers yesterday and when I was going after the Mexican one (Fernandez?) in the Western Grizzles I came across some wicked aspects. First, where the white Arabian horse is, I saw a grizzly bear on the lake eating an elk while a pack of wolves were trying to get some chow. The bear stood on his two feet and scared them away, that was awesome. I then wanted to head back to Adler's Ranch just to see what's up and on the way there, there was a couple who were sadly frozen to death by a snowstorm holding a map - detail tiny stuff like that makes this game amazing.
What sucks though is that you can't hold more than two of the legendary gunslingers guns. Not all of them have good stats, but the aesthetics of them were are very cool (sucks that I have lost three since I can't hold more).
Curious question, how do you guys know the difference between a three-star pelt and a legendary animal? There was an Elk with massive horns in the mountains who had three-stars and I tried to hunt it, but it went beyond the game boundary. Then, I saw a three-star ram and got him instead.