This team is just awful. I went to the game tonight and it’s impossible to root for many of these guys. Ryan Strome consistently plays hard, Buch was better than average but the majority of the guys just stand out for being bad. The amount of poor passes, bone headed plays, lack of drive, lack of aggression is really alarming. I get that this is a long season and guys like Mica and Kreider get a pass for looking disengaged, but I expect a lot more from the rookies and, simply put— none show anything that set them a part. Lias is performing magician level disappearing acts, the defense is atrocious- not a single player worth keeping and aside from Mica, Kreider, Buch and Strome, essentially none of the forwards are playing even close enough to justify a guaranteed spot on the roster next year. Chytl might be the next closest.
This team is miles, like a flight to Japan, away from even being anywhere near playoff bound!