I'm kind of with ya tho I don't think we are going to do nothing. I do think some Ranger, not sure who, is going to take a run at one of the skilled Cap players and it likely will cause a bit of a commotion but nothing crazy.
I do think nothing is going to happen to Wilson which is going to suck but that's the reality. As I said previously, we don't have a Brandon Prust type to even venture into that realm and stand up to the ass clown.
I'm no "lets call up Olgie Olgolthorpe" for this one game type of fan but bottom line is this team as presently constructed is to skilled to not have at least one player that we can roster that can and will stand up to the Wilson's in times like these.
For us to simply lay down and look like bitches because we have to, is just embarrassing to be frank. This needs to be addressed in the offseason and I think it will be...it has to!!