On Fox, there are a lot of comments about how he makes plays ‘only he can make’.
But to put that in perspective, I’ve seen a bunch of players do exactly what he does. It’s not even uncommon. I played 3-4 tier hockey in Sweden and Finland, and some qualification games against 2nd tier teams. Every now and then some experienced SHL player wound up on a 3-4 tier team for whatever reason. This type of hockey is exactly what you could see. You hear jokes like ‘Have you seen X play in the 3rd tier league? All he has to do to beat a defender is first raise his left eyebrow, second skate to the right’, I mean, that is how it looks sometimes.
Fox skill set isn’t dominant overall, but he has worked tremendously on exactly the right things. He does get a jump on a player in many situations because his edge work and first step is great. But more than anything, he is in total control and a step ahead most opponents. When you move on the ice your “posture”, in lack of better words, completely limits your alternatives. Ie if you lean to the left, it takes a second extra to get going to the right. When someone moves down 2-3 tiers, you get the same effect. Everyone coming at the player just advertise their intentions so clearly that the player just has to wait them out.
That Fox can do this at the NHL level is really special.