Shame we didn't bring back Boyle to play with him.
I never understood how people wanted him off the team before last season began. Glad he wasn't taken by Vegas, like the contract. Think there might still be a little more offense to him, but at this point probably not much.
I honestly feel he gets underrated by some and overrated by others (like many Rangers). I think this is a fair contract for his play. I personally view him as a solid 4th liner who can fill in on our 3rd line but I prefer him on our 4th line. It says something about his responsibility when AV trusts him so much.
Overrated how? I am curious to see your answer because I haven't really seen anything more than they like him for what he is.
My step brother for one who called him our best "overall player" at one point. There are people on this board who value him more than some of our best players. That is their opinion which they are entitled to but the reality is his salary and his exposure to the expansion draft show he is not considered more valuable by the organization. I like Fast and I'm happy to have him but I do view him as a 4th line player who can occasionally move up to the 3rd line.
Did he mean best defensive player (Forward), even then there's some competition there? Yeah that's overrating him for sure. He can't provide enough reliable scoring to be higher on the depth chart than 4 or a 3.
I was genuinely curious to see your answer, not looking to argue even though you're wrong (joking). lol