This is a very convenient statement for you to make because it will never happen, and can't be proven false or true.
It can happen. If you de-value analytics, and don't understand their proper place, as seems to be the case with yourself and DHK, it easily can happen. You use whatever you want and raw analytics will kick your but. Not hard to make happen.
You pick a region you have watched with your eyes all year long. Make a little list of the players you watched, type of player they are and an NHL projection, which includes their impact on the game. Submit your list to a neutral 3rd party.
I'll run the analytics on the same region, make the same list. Submit the list to a neutral 3rd party.
3rd party posts the lists and we watch it play out. See if you crush analytics or if analytics humbles you.
These types of tests certainly have been run by almost every NHL team and many independant researchers. Some of them are even posted online.
The sad truth about NHL scouting departments up until very recently is that a 10 year old kid on his laptop in his moms basement with a firm grasp of analytics could out-perform most NHL teams and their entire scouting departments for most of this century.
Fortunately this is changing, as NHL teams scramble to get caught up and acclimate themselves.