Friedman: Players don’t want to sign in Canada?

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Registered User
Jul 4, 2007
Right or wrong…the opinion of a lot of Americans is that the people who were classified as dying from COVID were either elderly, who could die from anything as common as the flu, or had pre-existing illnesses that compromised their immune systems. Therefore, they believe that the stats provided are completely inaccurate.

I certainly don’t agree with that theory and am fully vaccinated, but a lot of Americans seem to think that the vaccine is ineffective and that America is trying to cover it up/inject them with a microchip.

Therefore, at this point, I’m fully convinced that we’re living in some kind of a Twilight Zone episode that we just don’t know how to end.
It's sad how politicized the whole thing became. It has to be an all or nothing thing. IMO Canada really overshot with many restrictions. For example, was it necessary to close golf courses last summer, when cases were very low? Then on the other side you have the anti-mask/vaccine crowd. It seems like there's very little rationale debate these days, instead just irrational shouting matches.


Jan 9, 2009
I don’t know what kind of country you think America is, but there is absolutely no reason to have armed guards patrolling your grounds unless you decide to demolish a whole neighborhood and build a mansion in the middle of South Side Chicago!
Data from 2015

In 2012, 10 million residential units were estimated to be part of gated communities (this estimate is described as “misleadingly low”). Between 2001 and 2009, the United States saw a 53% growth in housing units in gated communities.

The American Housing Survey deleted “Secured Communities” from its data in 2017, so the most recent Census Data with this figure is 2015. The data for secured communities in 2015 is as follows:[3]
Secured CommunitiesTotal Units
House, apartment, manufactured/mobile home68,480,000
Community access secured with walls or fences10,999,000
Community access not secured56,309,000
Community access not reported1,172,000
So the above tells us that in 2015, there were nearly 11 million units in Secured Communities with walls or fences. It is a safe bet that the majority of these units are behind gates.

Gated Community Data | Gated Community - Safety, Security, Access Control
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Apr 5, 2016
Trying to decide what stance to take in this thread.
My country is better than your country or
my country used to better than yours but all these commies ruined it.


Registered User
Sep 29, 2017
As a Canadian who has preffered Canada over the US for about 98% of my existence, what's happened in Canada over the past couple years is a saddening disgrace and many feel the same way, including current athletes. It's no surprise whatsoever that NHLers don't want to sign there now, and there is plenty of division amongst Canadians as well on how the whole thing has been handled. They are not nearly as respected as a nation compared to just a couple years ago, and you are kidding yourself if you want to pretend Canada is desirable in its current state. Massive red flags all over the place, and I'm not talking about the Maple Leaf.
What changed? :huh: oh yes, a once in a lifetine pandemic.. right...
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Sergei Shirokov

Registered User
Jul 27, 2012
British Columbia
It's sad how politicized the whole thing became. It has to be an all or nothing thing. IMO Canada really overshot with many restrictions. For example, was it necessary to close golf courses last summer, when cases were very low? Then on the other side you have the anti-mask/vaccine crowd. It seems like there's very little rationale debate these days, instead just irrational shouting matches.

Well said. I think Canada overshot with some restrictions, and undershot with other important ones.

International travelers were coming through YVR with nothing more than a sign saying to quarantine back when this all started. Should've been more intense travel bans & more intense lockdown at the start.

Feel free to let me know when a bunch of white supremacist's attempt to overthrow the legitimately elected government of Canada because their guy lost.

You must've missed the part where I said

Not as bounded around specific leaders/parties

Which country do you think is more likely to mandate vaccination to buy groceries?


Registered User
Feb 20, 2015
Data from 2015

In 2012, 10 million residential units were estimated to be part of gated communities (this estimate is described as “misleadingly low”). Between 2001 and 2009, the United States saw a 53% growth in housing units in gated communities.

The American Housing Survey deleted “Secured Communities” from its data in 2017, so the most recent Census Data with this figure is 2015. The data for secured communities in 2015 is as follows:[3]
Secured CommunitiesTotal Units
House, apartment, manufactured/mobile home68,480,000
Community access secured with walls or fences10,999,000
Community access not secured56,309,000
Community access not reported1,172,000
So the above tells us that in 2015, there were nearly 11 million units in Secured Communities with walls or fences. It is a safe bet that the majority of these units are behind gates.

Gated Community Data | Gated Community - Safety, Security, Access Control
I mean it’s definitely a safe bet, but I honestly don’t believe that they mean that much.

I’ve driven through many of those “gated communities” with my girlfriend looking at houses at night and as long you’re white and are driving a nice car, not a single “Security Officer” in their golf cart will even approach you. Like most of the time it’s a “gated community” without any actual gates.

Trust me, if an actual experienced thief wants to get into your house and steal your shit, and you live in those “gated communities,” those “Security Guards” can do absolutely nothing about it!

They’re just a false sense of security!


Registered User
Mar 1, 2007
American born players with American wives/kids who have played basically their entire career in the US, like Parise and Suter are not going to uproot their family and move north of the border at age 27+.

It rarely happens.

Even Americans who are nice and polite about it still feel living in Canada is kind of like living in a "bizarro land" version of the "proper US". Everything from the Thanksgiving date being different to no ESPN to other differences just makes Canada seem "off". US is the center of the world and Canada is just kinda "off" from that and it doesn't have the sex appeal of working in Europe or something either.

To get Americans to stay/sign in Canada, you need to basically draft them or have them play in Canada from an earlier part of their career so they kinda get over that whole thing and even then they tend to go back to the US at some point.


Registered User
Feb 23, 2018
Ah, so you're one *those* people. Makes sense given the tripe you're posting.

Oh so sorry Canada's one the leading countries in the world in vaccinating their population against covid. That probably eats at you constantly or would if you knew what any of those words meant. Or that your sad sack feelings don't count as facts.

So we aren’t gonna talk about how Ontario for example just got out of a lockdown less than two weeks ago? But yeah we handled this pandemic brilliantly. Not everyone who thinks this government is incompetent is an ‘anti vaccine’ advocate or some uneducated hillbilly but nice straw man. Some people value their personal freedoms over the allure of ‘safety’


Registered User
Apr 14, 2021
Yur a typkal unedukated murican . ya think we candianians all growed up on farms? Some of us actually don't live in igloos and went all the way to grade 12 you FUC2ing a-hole. wake up and learn about the world you moron. You get snow in Minneapolis and Chicago oh and you also get shot there.


assuming this was a half joking post but im canadian and canada suks balls.

i grew up in an igloo and rode my moose to school actually


Registered User
Sep 29, 2017
This thread seems to have brought in all the Canadian crazies. If you think the USA handled/are handling the pandemic better than Canada...:skeptic:
Oh and the guy saying that Trudeau is a communist...:laugh:
Bunch of wackadoos in here.
It turned politics quickly.

Canada has amazing people and great landscape and many great things too. Sorry if a once in a lifetime pandemic happened the last year but it will eventualy all go back to normal... jeez...
As for the taxes, honestly, now as an accountant on my own it's a very bad excuse the difference are negligeable and some provinces are even more profitable than some US states.

In the end, it seems more like hockey players have become more "endoctrined" or "politicized" than truly impacted in their life (if we exclude the covid obviously).

Sergei Shirokov

Registered User
Jul 27, 2012
British Columbia
American born players with American wives/kids who have played basically their entire career in the US, like Parise and Suter are not going to uproot their family and move north of the border at age 27+.

It rarely happens.

Even Americans who are nice and polite about it still feel living in Canada is kind of like living in a "bizarro land" version of the "proper US". Everything from the Thanksgiving date being different to no ESPN to other differences just makes Canada seem "off". US is the center of the world and Canada is just kinda "off" from that and it doesn't have the sex appeal of working in Europe or something either.

To get Americans to stay/sign in Canada, you need to basically draft them or have them play in Canada from an earlier part of their career so they kinda get over that whole thing and even then they tend to go back to the US at some point.

I agree on Americans. Think you've hit the nail on the head, if you have enough value to pick & choose - it can be a leap of faith coming to Canada.

The fact some players born & raised here don't want to come back to Canada is a little more telling. The spotlight is a double edged sword (Crippling attention/criticism, but if you win here your a legend for life). The taxes situation compared to a place like Tampa isn't great either, but I imagine the attention is worse.

Some lunatic took photos of Jim Benning buying groceries at night a few days after the U18's, saying he was breaking covid protocol. Facts came out later he had a special exemption, but the stalker-ish nature of the situation/photos were extremely inappropriate & uncomfortable to see in the first place.

Doesn't surprise me players don't want to be subjected to that kind of thing (potentially).


Jan 9, 2009
So you first call Trump a fat orange clown then copy my own response like a parrot. Makes sense why you hold the opinions you do. Your probably not even old enough to vote (I hope you don’t vote…)

Maybe don’t throw stones from a glass house considering the wonderful leaders we have elected at both Federal and Provincal levels in numerous cases here. This country was beyond incompetent with their handling of the pandemic
I like it when people believe that the USA has done a better job of handling the pandemic, than Canada. Not saying Canada did a great job but to believe that the USA did better job is hilarious.
Meanwhile I live in a Canadian city with a population of 1.581 million and it has 362 active covid cases of which 48 of those are in hospital and 16 of those are in intensive care. I might add that all hospital care expenses are fully covered by the government.
Also 75% of the province age 12 and older has received at least one vaccination dose and 61.3% of the population age 12 and older are fully vaccinated.
There are also currently no mandated covid business restrictions here either.
I doubt you will find a similar city of size and population in the USA that has better stats than that. If you can find one... please let us know.
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Registered User
Jun 7, 2021
Sounds like a bunch of Medonas. Boohoo, I am worried about critical thoughts on my abilities to play hockey. Boohoo, I get taxed on my millions of dollars. Boohoo, I can't go and rub bodies with people at concert events.
Bunch of bitches these days.


Registered User
Feb 20, 2015
Buddy wears a mask in his own house while he watches CBC and drinks his kool aid
In America, I’m still seeing people driving in their cars with their masks on…while sitting in their cars…by themselves.

The borders definitely don’t discriminate…no matter where you’re at, there’s stupid ass people all around us!


Registered User
Jun 8, 2008
Merritt, BC
You risk fines or even possible jail time depending on certain anti language laws. Not sure pro athletes necessarily need to worry about this but in fact, Canada no longer has freedom of speech regarding numerous topics. I know political talk is banned on the site so there isn’t much more than can be said on this topic without it becoming that topic.
Canada is really f***ed with Bill C-10 and Bill C-36 coming down the pipe. It's utterly horrifying. If things don't change I'm out.

Sergei Shirokov

Registered User
Jul 27, 2012
British Columbia
So in other words, the same divide that exists in pretty much every country with two main political parties/ideologies to choose from. Real enlightening.

Uh, do either federal levels even have that kind of power? Because this seems like a pretty obvious neither.

Yes a provincial party effectively decided the results of the last federal election... but we are completely unified in this country.

We fall for the same narratives as down south. Very obvious if you pay attention.


Registered User
Jun 8, 2008
Merritt, BC
Well said. I think Canada overshot with some restrictions, and undershot with other important ones.

International travelers were coming through YVR with nothing more than a sign saying to quarantine back when this all started. Should've been more intense travel bans & more intense lockdown at the start.

You must've missed the part where I said

Which country do you think is more likely to mandate vaccination to buy groceries?
You don't agree with this do you?


Registered User
Feb 23, 2018
So in other words, the same divide that exists in pretty much every country with two main political parties/ideologies to choose from. Real enlightening.

Uh, do either federal levels even have that kind of power? Because this seems like a pretty obvious neither.


Oh not, not Black people and antifascists rallying against white supremacists, fascists and basic human right not be lynched by a corrupt and barbaric police force. Oh the horror.

That's totally the same thing as trying to overthrow the government.

Jeez, the American education system sure is a pile of rubbish. I mean, assuming you've even started it yet.

Yes, valuing personal freedom because you don't understand basic science and probably think a virus causing a global pandemic is somehow political and will respect about your personal feelings. But please, stick it to other side by not vaccinating. It's for the best.

It's funny because no one is even saying the Canadian government did a particularly great job or anything. They're pretty bad to be honest. But all of anti-lockdown crap is just nonsensical ramblings based off of fringe view points with no basis in reality.

I love the assumption that I’m not vaccinated. Everyone that disagrees with you is unvaccinated and has no idea about anything apparently.

The economic after effects and the mental health issues that will rise out of these extended lockdowns are very dangerous

According to Statscan, 15 percent of Canadians had the sufficient number of symptoms for a diagnosis in Major Depressive Disorder and 13 percent generalized anxiety, both highly elevated during COVID

Your acting like we can lock down an entire country for half a year with no negative side effects

I will give you credit for admitting the Canadian government has done a poor job


Registered User
Aug 11, 2008
Charlotte, NC
Goddamn Buffalo has high taxes, a fanbase that recognizes players, an antiquated media that still keeps them in a fishbowl even when they suck, and we are somehow in America. We're the most Canadian team in the NHL outside of Canada and we aren't even competent. Sounds like players will flock to us!


Registered User
Mar 1, 2007
I agree on Americans. Think you've hit the nail on the head, if you have enough value to pick & choose - it can be a leap of faith coming to Canada.

The fact some players born & raised here don't want to come back to Canada is a little more telling. The spotlight is a double edged sword (Crippling attention/criticism, but if you win here your a legend for life). The taxes situation compared to a place like Tampa isn't great either, but I imagine the attention is worse.

Some lunatic took photos of Jim Benning buying groceries at night a few days after the U18's, saying he was breaking covid protocol. Facts came out later he had a special exemption, but the stalker-ish nature of the situation/photos were extremely inappropriate & uncomfortable to see in the first place.

Doesn't surprise me players don't want to be subjected to that kind of thing (potentially).

I don't think the attention aspect actually bothers US born players though. I think from their POV it's kinda cool in that aspect ... they've grown up all their lives in the US where hockey is like a 4th/5th tier sport, to come to Canada where it's the no.1 sport is a cool novelty for them.

It's actually Canadian players I think that crave the anonymity of US markets where they can go places and no one cares who they are.

But at the end of the day for American born players especially those with US family/wifey, Canada just is always going to be a "bizarro land" version of the US. The US is the center of the universe and that just is what it is for them.
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