Friedman: Players don’t want to sign in Canada?

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Caufield is lit
Nov 25, 2013
Near Montreal
It's hilarious how Canadians believe this shit, you do realize 7 of the top 10 most valuable franchises in the NHL are not Canadian? pretty sure the NHL would do just fine with only US teams. Plus players would keep signing in the US anyway.

Sure. To play in 20,000 places arenas with only 2,000 people who paid 25$ for 2 tickets, 2 hotdogs, 2 pepsis, 2 fries and free parking.
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Jul 4, 2007
Their inital reactions were reasonable enough but at this point, it has gone far beyond something rational and constructive. The numbers, based on the extreme measures they have taken for so long, are not overly impressive given the low density of population relative to size and space of the country. It's politics and business, the notion that Canada somehow cares more about safety than everyone else after 2 years of this is asinine.

Canadians are so consumed by North American shock factor garbage that they don't even realize there are plenty of other nations all around the world shaking their heads at their display and doing just fine. That's not even factoring in the ramifications of both physical and mental health deficiencies due to the massive leap in inactivity (plus dips in business, personal nutrition, etc) which will show itself eventually. Most Canadians are in worse health and more stressed than they were prior to the pandemic due to these restrictions and will be further dependent on the medical system going forward as well.

I know there's a "no politics" rule but it's relevant to the thread, and clear as day the main factor in why players are turned off by Canada when considering contracts. Don't sit there and pretend Canada is some next-level progressive heaven these days. There is a lot to consider, no matter where you stand on the covid approach. I can respect an opposing opinion, but not people playing dumb on why it's not as desirable as it used to be.

In BC most of the restrictions have been lifted and masks are optional. No dancing in night clubs (they are open with take service). It's weird that the historically most left wing province is also the least restricted.

As for bigger issues with Canada, a major problem with Canada is that it's just become boring. The old dive bars, that I used to enjoy when I was a kid, are all gone. They've been replaced by chain restaurants. People like up here to go to Chipotles now. When you go to cities like Boston, Seattle, Atlanta, Miami, etc... It's night and day how much more is going on in these places. Part of Canada's problem is social and part of the problem is red tape surrounding zoning, liquor, licensing, etc... Owning and operating a business is very difficult in Canada.

Real estate is also a killer. These guys are rich, but if you need $3-4 million to own a decent property, that's still a massive chunk of change. In Texas or Florida you can buy an estate for the same price.

If I was a young kid with money, I'd go somewhere exciting, and somewhere your can actually save and grow that money without a ridiculously high tax rate and cost of living.


Director of Armchair Operations
Mar 5, 2010
Central Ontario
I may be biased, and also it's probably different based on social class, but I'd rather raise my kids in any Canadian province over any of the 12~ states I've been to/through.


Registered User
Feb 20, 2015
Like why would a quality NHL player sign in Winnipeg/Edmonton/Ottawa if being offered similar terms by an American team!?

Virtually any American NHL city is better and more attractive (less taxes and more activities) than any of those Canadian shitholes!

Canadian teams need to do a way better job of creating a more favorable atmosphere for NHL players. More nightlife, more activities and attractions, and the fans need to chill the f*** out!

There should be no reason for Canadian players to be avoiding Canadian teams like the plague…as they currently are!
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Registered User
Apr 24, 2013
The attacks on Canada’s handling of the pandemic in this thread are pretty ironic considering it’s almost over up here while cases are rising in the south. . It’s almost as if the way it was handled up here worked?!?

It’s pretty clear some posters in here are fixated on their “freedoms” and are only willing to discuss the restrictions as the cause of NHLers preferring the states when there’s obviously multiple factors at play


Registered User
Oct 12, 2011
Yup, I agree. Trudeau bought the media by giving huge sums of money to "trusted media outlets." Now he's censored the online outlets. They decide to close private businesses and restrict movement and no one says anything outside of Alberta, Sask and rural parts of Manitoba and Ontario. All premiers went along with it too.
It's amazing to me how so few people talk about Canada's one-party media.

It's not a good thing to have one narrative on all issues. Even on the issues where I agree with it, it makes me uncomfortable that's there's no real opposition or opposing view other than the occasional strawman.


Jan 9, 2009
It's hilarious how Canadians believe this shit, you do realize 7 of the top 10 most valuable franchises in the NHL are not Canadian? pretty sure the NHL would do just fine with only US teams. Plus players would keep signing in the US anyway.
So in other words 43% (3/7) of the Canadian clubs are in the top 10 while 28% (7/25) of American clubs made it into the top 10. Hmmm. Sounds to me like if you want to make money a Canadian club is the better bet.


Registered User
Apr 14, 2021
Canadian here. Not sure why the hell anyone would want to sign in Canada. Weather sucks and the fans/media are annoying. Imagine being a desirable NHL player and actually choosing to play somewhere like Winnipeg LOL.

Edit: Or even worse, Edmonton, LOOOL.
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Registered User
Dec 18, 2009
Joshua Tree, CA
Canadian here. Not sure why the hell anyone would want to sign in Canada. Weather sucks and the fans/media are annoying. Imagine being a desirable NHL player and actually choosing to play somewhere like Winnipeg LOL.

Edit: Or even worse, Edmonton, LOOOL.

Yeah, it seems pretty obvious why. And also they probably are able to skirt government mandates far easier in the US considering they got $$$.


Registered User
Jan 23, 2008
The attacks on Canada’s handling of the pandemic in this thread are pretty ironic considering it’s almost over up here while cases are rising in the south. . It’s almost as if the way it was handled up here worked?!?

It’s pretty clear some posters in here are fixated on their “freedoms” and are only willing to discuss the restrictions as the cause of NHLers preferring the states when there’s obviously multiple factors at play
There's only one factor that's different from other years - Covid. People are being babysat up here, it's ridiculous. I'm 100% Canadian but if I'm choosing a team right now I'm going to let the handling of Covid factor into my decision.
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Registered User
Mar 11, 2008
Being rich in the US is very appealing. You keep a lot more of your money and there's more perks. Being poor in the US really sucks, but they don't fall in that category.

A lot of Canadian cities are not appealing for various reasons (weather, media, boring, etc). Simple as that. I'm not going to crap on any city but that's how it is.

And you can bet the covid restrictions factor in to it. If you can choose to live your life under lockdown or not, the choice is simple.
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Registered User
Apr 14, 2021
Yeah, it seems pretty obvious why. And also they probably are able to skirt government mandates far easier in the US considering they got $$$.

There are little to no reasons to play in Canada unless you grew up on a Canadian farm (LOL) or for some reason need to be close to your family (???). Other than that I could not imagine being a young millionaire and choosing to play in some cesspool like Alberta, Manitoba or Quebec. Vancouver and Toronto get a slight pass but still... yikes.

Vancouver: have fun in no-fun city and Toronto: have fun with the snow LOL.

Taxes are fun too.
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Registered User
Feb 20, 2015
So in other words 43% (3/7) of the Canadian clubs are in the top 10 while 28% (7/25) of American clubs made it into the top 10. Hmmm. Sounds to me like if you want to make money a Canadian club is the better bet.
In other words, the only team that is keeping Canada as a whole profitable is the Leafs and they haven’t won the cup since 1967 when there were only 6 teams in the entire league!!

Canadian teams will always only get the scraps that American teams let the Canadian teams have! It’s like eventually, for the fun of it, you have to let your younger brother win, so that they don’t just quit altogether and so that you can just keep having fun while beating their ass for the foreseeable future!
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Registered User
May 5, 2013
You risk fines or even possible jail time depending on certain anti language laws. Not sure pro athletes necessarily need to worry about this but in fact, Canada no longer has freedom of speech regarding numerous topics. I know political talk is banned on the site so there isn’t much more than can be said on this topic without it becoming that topic.

the amount of damage our current “leaders” in Canada have done is just ridiculous. A huge problem is they only need to appease two provinces to win and that’s exactly what will happen. We’re turning into the EU and if you’re outside of the two provinces you don’t have much of a voice. I really don’t blame any player for not wanting to come to Canada, our media just shits on them endlessly and fans follow suit. Media had turn fans against Luongo in Van, turned on Van best GM in Gillis, if I was a player I wouldn’t want some reporter having that ability to turn a city on me or my family or a government that’s trying to censor what you can say.
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Beendair Donedat

Juice Arse 2.0
Dec 29, 2010
Truth or Consequences, NM
It’s garbage (or ironic) that Canadian teams are supplying the vast majority of the leagues income to subsidize teams and players that want nothing to do with playing there.

If this continues, they’ll have to simply eliminate the NMC/NTC or rework the CBA to allow Canadian teams a higher salary cap to offset the loss of taxes, because it’s putting all Canadian teams at a distinct disadvantage for signing players.


Registered User
Apr 24, 2013
There's only one factor that's different from other years - Covid. People are being babysat up here, it's ridiculous. I'm 100% Canadian but if I'm choosing a team right now I'm going to let the handling of Covid factor into my decision.

Uh yea, that factor is different this year and is likely a reason why more players would choose to play south. . It’s not the only issue, but that’s obvious because there has long been a preference for some players to play in the U.S.

If you think the U.S. has handled the pandemic better, then we’ll definitely agree to disagree


Jan 9, 2009
40,000 people, lol. Do you even do math bro? Take the population of America and figure it out, then look at weather related deaths (I don't actually care about this and wouldn't blame Canada for it, but since we are taking stupid AF pot shots, let's do it!) Take hypothermia, shoveling snow, snowmobiles deaths, traffic accidents.....and figure the ratio based on the population of Canada. Might be a real eye opener for you. Welcome to school.
Are you seriously making this ridiculous argument? Forget it. You're not worth the time and effort.


Jun 11, 2013
Like why would a quality NHL player sign in Winnipeg/Edmonton/Ottawa if being offered similar terms by an American team!?

Virtually any American NHL city is better and more attractive (less taxes and more activities) than any of those Canadian shitholes!

Canadian teams need to do a way better job of creating a more favorable atmosphere for NHL players. More nightlife, more activities and attractions, and the fans need to chill the f*** out!

There should be no reason for Canadian players to be avoiding Canadian teams like the plague…as they currently are!

My God, you have no perspective or awareness in life.
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Registered User
Jul 25, 2007
I believe the stuff about taxes and restrictions. For Toronto, insiders have said Bogosian didn't want to re-sign because of the Canadian Covid restrictions.

Social media? I'm more doubtful. That sounds like more of a Toronto or Montreal complaint. You get that in any big market in sports, I don't think that's a Canadian problem. If you're playing in Winnipeg or Ottawa I don't think you're necessarily going to be a social media target.
Good for Bogosian. The restrictions there are insane
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Registered User
Feb 20, 2015
Keep laughing…the Avs moved to Colorado from Quebec in the 90’s and already have two more Cups to their name than the Canadiens since then.

Canadian Teams’ fans always like to feign superiority, but none of them have won shit!

Do Canadian Teams’ fans realize that the last time that a Canadian NHL team won the cup was Montreal in the 1992-1993 season!??? ;):laugh:
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Registered User
May 12, 2015
Facts.. from Time.
In 2017 almost 40,000 people died from gun violence in the USA. But go ahead. Keep denying the truth.

How Likely is the Threat of Being Shot in America? It Depends

40 000 gun deaths(about the same as car related deaths by the way), not gun violence. 60% of those are suicides, a large majority of the remaining 40% is gang violence. The media likes to play mass shootings on repeat especially when kids are involved but won't mention the 20+ gang members that kill each other every week like clockwork in Chicago, mostly with illegal unregistered weapons that are the ones actually growing that gun violence number.
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