Friedman: Players don’t want to sign in Canada?

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HFBoards Sponsor
Jun 29, 2008
Oi, now I saw that this thread is more of a fist fight between people understanding that getting vaccinated is important and idiots who likes conspiracy theories, “freedom” and country music.

So many stereotypes... minorities in the USA are less likeky to get vaccinated then the average US person.

Source: COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy in Hispanics and African-Americans: A review and recommendations for practice - PubMed

So much for country music, eh?

Disclaimer: I'm Middle Eastern.
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Registered User
Jan 9, 2019
I actually think it’s a little different, I think it’s an age range, I’m noticing now some of the younger guys are really liking the aspects of being in Canada (not all but some) due to being treated like a star and I know Montreal has made changes even to their drafting process to select more guys who exhibit stronger mental fortitude then they did in the past

the age thing can be true but I still think it takes a special person to actually handle the crazy fans in Canada who will completely destroy you after a few bad games or a bad season. Look what Marner went through wanted the big bucks, got the big bucks and played like crap.


Registered User
May 19, 2012
not a surprise. Not the best weather, privacy concerns and many other things can really factor in. there are nicer cities in the United States than what Canada has to offer. As a Canadian myself I wouldn't want to play in Canada if I didn't have too. I'm not joking. Kinda sucks a little, it can play into for example Vancouver Canucks going after some players, but it is what it is.


Registered User
Jan 3, 2010
Well, whatever reason do you have not to take it? There’s a global pandemic going on - it’s not made in a lab, it’s killing millions of people and it’s been keeping businesses and our lives hostage for almost 2 years now - but you chose not to take it because? Oh yeah, Fox News and crazy GOP congresspeople says is a “liberal plot”, and people have keys stuck to them all of a sudden, amirite?

People not taking the vaccine just tells me that their either ignorant, idiots, selfish or uneducated - all of which kinda goes hand in hand

Did you ever consider that some people have consulted with their doctor, who pointed out some pre-existing condition that makes the vaccine unusually risky, and they counseled them to not take it?


Registered User
Mar 25, 2009
Eastern Canada
just forget about his tweet for a second...

IN LA: a player trying trying to have a nice morning/day with his 3rd side for pancakes and a visit at the zoo can easily achieve that easily and quietly without fan pressure at a nice 30c weather... they go back to her place quietly after a nice day out

IN MTL: a player trying trying to have a nice morning/day with his 3rd side for pancakes and a visit at the zoo will get bugged/harassed by media & fans, ask for autograph, seen on the local paper the day after and will be followed by youtubers for more hits all this while being -14c outside... they both go their separate ways to quiet them up

that's the life difference between Canada & USA for a hockey player folks... So no I dont blame them at all not to sign for a Canadian team (From a Canadian citizen and cheering for a Canadian team)
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Jan 9, 2009
I had a discussion on here about why Larsson left Edmonton and signed with Seattle for the same $$ that Edmonton offered.
I said it was because fans treated him like crap for the first two years he was here. Hf Oil fans said players don't read social media so that was a garbage reason.
You mean I was lied to???


Registered User
Mar 27, 2019
New Brunswick
some idiots think it's ok to message players/players families with shit talking or threats for any on ice mistake

And Canadians are the only ones who have done that :popcorn: lol it’s an excuse as die hard idiots from just about every fan base have done or contemplated something similar


Public Enemy #1
Oct 1, 2015
I’d be curious if someone pulled up cost of living/housing prices for a USD$7M/yr (CAD8.8M) contract.

Even net of taxes, you’re buying an absolute mansion with that much USD in Winnipeg, for instance. Vancouver and Toronto are probably more in line with LA, NY, but would imagine Calgary, Edmonton, Montreal, Ottawa would be more like Winnipeg?


Registered User
Mar 25, 2009
Eastern Canada
Maybe rhe CBA needs to be adjusted a bit. All things being equal, I’d be more than happy to live in Canada. I assume the problem is mostly taxes and exchange rate. Weather is certainly a thing but these guys are traveling most of the season. And they can live anywhere in the off-season.
all players are paid in USD, so they technically make 20% more money to play in Canada... but the trick is, other than Alberta, 51% of their salaries goes to the federal government in taxes
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Registered User
Feb 8, 2010
Canadian players that stay at home have to be ok with being stars and alternately getting media praise and hate. Ironically, the bland “good ol canadian boy” thing doesn’t really select for guys who want to live like media stars. If you want a quiet family life, you’re not going to find it in Canada. I actually think Toronto/Van would be better than the smaller markers. There are more perks and things to do as a rich person and there are more things competing for the eyeballs of insane fans. When I lived in Edmonton, the fanbase was very passionate and knowledgeable but extremely toxic. Now that I’ve lived in a few bigger cities in Canada and the US, I can’t imagine why a young millionaire would want to live there or Winnipeg by choice unless they had extremely strong family ties to the area. The weather thing is also pretty dramatic - you grow up in brutal prairie winters and you’re used to it, but then you get drafted by a team somewhere in the south and get used to wearing shorts and sandals most of the year and it’s hard to go back after 7 years


Registered User
Sep 6, 2008
all players are paid in USD, so they technically make 20% more money to play in Canada... but the trick is, other than Alberta, 51% of their salaries goes to the federal government in taxes
Awful. No wonder. It’s probably kind of impossible for the CBA to make them whole, then. I know it’s not particularly palatable but the give should make some sort of an exception for hockey players. Tax them on an international scale or something. Or give them some kind of a credit. I don’t know. In a vacuum, it’s fine. But bigger-picture it give the US teams an advantage. Tough one, though.


Registered User
Apr 20, 2018
Also the reality is that if the Liberals get back in there is probably going to be a follow through on the push to "Tax The Rich" that is popular with the young and left,.

With the top Ontario/Canada current top rate of ~53% maybe there will be a new tax bracket going to almost 60%. Savvy agents are probably advising players about this possibility/probability.


Registered User
Aug 15, 2013
Sylvan Lake, Alberta
And Canadians are the only ones who have done that :popcorn: lol it’s an excuse as die hard idiots from just about every fan base have done or contemplated something similar
Yiu have to see the difference though. Hockey isn't important enough for players to go through that in US markets. Even ones where hockey is popular, as fans typically ha e other top level teams they care about more. If Wings fans are tired of losing, they focus on the Pistons, or the In Canada, it's all hockey. So when something goes wrong, it's in the news. People complain about it. Loudly and repeatedly.
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Graceful brutality
Jan 27, 2006
Wellington, FL
But I was told by so many Tampa fans that taxes don't matter?

lol, 2 Cups in Florida over 17 years, the 2nd Florida team was a disaster due to terrible ownership. And Tampa had to go to 18 mil over the cap in the playoffs to get the 2nd one.

imo, the Canadian players had to go through the bubble playoffs and a whole season without fans and serious restrictions due to Covid where states in the US are wide open, seems to be the biggest reason to me. Tavares just left NYI to go to Toronto and lots of players went there and to teams in the north last off-season. If something is different now, seems to be the Covid response as the culprit.

could be way off base, but taxes ain’t it.

Matt Ress

Don't sleep on me
Aug 5, 2014
LOL this isn't remotely true. Hate speech was never protected under freedom of speech (and FYI, it's the same in the US). They just made it easier to punish, but the definitions of what's protected didn't change.
Deleted. Fock it I don't want to have anything to do with this thread


Registered User
Feb 25, 2010
Toronto On
Well seein how some leafs fans treating their young top guys, im not shocked they dont want to come play here. This fan base here is toxic.
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Nac Mac Feegle

wee & free
Jun 10, 2011
No surprise. Competitive hockey has become a sport only rich families can play. And those rich kids are as soft as warm butter.


Not a nice guy.
Jan 29, 2005
all players are paid in USD, so they technically make 20% more money to play in Canada... but the trick is, other than Alberta, 51% of their salaries goes to the federal government in taxes
Ummm no...federal tax rates in Canada are below and is progressive so they don't pay the max on the whole amount they make, they pay the rate on the amount for each bracket. So saying it's a flat 51% is not really right. Most places in Canada are generally not all the much more than most places in the US and in some cases less. You also get a ton of social services in Canada that you would not get in the US you can argue a pro athlete might not care about those services but I think it depends on their situation. Not having to purchase health insurance if you have a wife and a few kids is a big savings.

  • 15% on the first $49,020 of taxable income, plus
  • 20.5% on the next $49,020 of taxable income (on the portion of taxable income over 49,020 up to $98,040), plus
  • 26% on the next $53,939 of taxable income (on the portion of taxable income over $98,040 up to $151,978), plus
  • 29% on the next $64,533 of taxable income (on the portion of taxable income over 151,978 up to $216,511), plus
  • 33% of taxable income over $216,511
And by province of territory

Provincial and territorial tax rates (combined chart)
Provinces and territoriesRates
Newfoundland and Labrador8.7% on the first $38,081 of taxable income, +
14.5% on the next $38,080, +
15.8% on the next $59,812, +
17.3% on the next $54,390, +
18.3% on the amount over $190,363
Prince Edward Island9.8% on the first $31,984 of taxable income, +
13.8% on the next $31,985, +
16.7% on the amount over $63,969
Nova Scotia8.79% on the first $29,590 of taxable income, +
14.95% on the next $29,590, +
16.67% on the next $33,820, +
17.5% on the next $57,000, +
21% on the amount over $150,000
New Brunswick9.68% on the first $43,835 of taxable income, +
14.82% on the next $43,836, +
16.52% on the next $54,863, +
17.84% on the next $19,849, +
20.3% on the amount over $162,383
QuebecGo to Income tax rates (Revenu Québec Web site).
Ontario5.05% on the first $45,142 of taxable income, +
9.15% on the next $45,145, +
11.16% on the next $59,713, +
12.16% on the next $70,000, +
13.16% on the amount over $220,000
Manitoba10.8% on the first $33,723 of taxable income, +
12.75% on the next $39,162, +
17.4% on the amount over $72,885
Saskatchewan10.5% on the first $45,677 of taxable income, +
12.5% on the next $84,829, +
14.5% on the amount over $130,506
Alberta10% on the first $131,220 of taxable income, +
12% on the next $26,244, +
13% on the next $52,488, +
14% on the next $104,976, +
15% on the amount over $314,928
British Columbia5.06% on the first $42,184 of taxable income, +
7.7% on the next $42,185, +
10.5% on the next $12,497, +
12.29% on the next $20,757, +
14.7% on the next $41,860, +
16.8% on the next $62,937, +
20.5% on the amount over $222,420
Yukon6.4% on the first $49,020 of taxable income, +
9% on the next $49,020, +
10.9% on the next $53,938, +
12.8% on the next $348,022, +
15% on the amount over $500,000
Northwest Territories5.9% on the first $44,396 of taxable income, +
8.6% on the next $44,400, +
12.2% on the next $55,566, +
14.05% on the amount over $144,362
Nunavut4% on the first $46,740 of taxable income, +
7% on the next $46,740, +
9% on the next $58,498, +
11.5% on the amount over $151,978

Also people are arguing abut it here but the article I found on sportnet says ONE GM said that so take it for what it's worth.


Registered User
Oct 10, 2008
I don't think taxes is the main reason or a big reason, player agent Allan Walsh already showed the ways you can save on taxes.

The main reason for players not signing in Canada is pressure, media and the fans.

There are cold cities in the US as well, so weather is not the case.
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