Phoenix XXIV: How many twists does the scriptwriter have left?

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Registered User
Oct 21, 2010
Sudbury, Ont
I still think it's going to go through but barely. I also think that GI, the NHL and the City of Glendale are working pretty much all day and night on this to come to a resolution to keep them here.

I named my son after Jeremy Roenick when he was sent here from the 'Hawks. Found out my wife was pregnant with my second son the very night the Blues beat the 'Yotes in the first round of the playoffs coming back from a 3-1 series deficit. The past 15 years of my life's milestones can be associated with Coyotes games and outings. I have both of my sons so interested in hockey, I can't imagine life without it. I know this has nothing to do with the Business of Hockey, more like the passion for hockey.

I think I speak for everyone on both sides, I certainly hope this ends next week. Somehow I don't think so... :shakehead

I'm going to check out of this for a while. After my trip to WestGate today, I realized I'm a little too emotionally involved in this whole thing.

I think things are so rotten with the GWI and the COG right now, that I honestly think that we've reached 'the point of no return'. The only way this get settled is if the GWI has a change of heart. But for that to happen, they would have to pretty much agree with the COG. That's not going to happen. The other option is if Hulsizer agrees to pay more out of his pocket (group), but he seems adamant on not changing his deal. Plus, it seems that the COG will not let the bonds go to sale at a 9% rate, so that is likely out the window (even if there's buyers).

I feel for you, I really do, but I don't like the chances for the team staying in Glendale.


Registered User
Nov 7, 2007
I still think the NHL has a plan B. They'll help Glendale finance 100 million to give to Hullsizer.

They already helped Glendale...they bought the team so there was at least a chance it could stay there and the arena not end up empty.

They have already done more than enough.

Evil Doctor

Cryin' Hank crying
Apr 29, 2009
Cambridge, ON
Which was why I almost included the BSG ending:


I'm glad you came to your senses and eventually included it. Very appropriate :handclap::handclap::handclap::yo:


Registered User
Jan 16, 2005
Moncton, NB
So if the team stays, Matt pays this years 25 mil loses (or whatever it was), correct? If it leaves, the bill falls back on Glendale? Ouch. Double whammy.


I still think the NHL has a plan B. They'll help Glendale finance 100 million to give to Hullsizer.

The dude is an investment banker. Runs his own derivatives trading company. Why would he need the NHL's help in getting financing?

Besides, if he can't come up with his own $100M, he's way way to poor to run a big league professional sports franchise.


Registered User
Oct 21, 2010
Sudbury, Ont
With no leverage against Goldwater, the Coyotes decided that the best course of action was taking their case public and hoping to create enough pressure to force the institute to back off its threats, which have included sending letters to numerous bond underwriters informing them of potential litigation. Scruggs called that action "unprecedented" and said the institute is "actively working to undermine public policy decisions." She also said that her requests for face-to-face meetings with the Goldwater Institute board to iron out their differences have been met with "a resounding no."

In a nutshell, Mayor Scruggs statement indisputably describes how bad/strained the "relationship" between the COG and the GWI has literally become. From the very beginning the COG either ignored or downplayed the strengths of the GWI and now, it seems rather fitting that the GWI's actions have reversed the role between the two. What's next? I guess we'll find out next week.

Evil Doctor

Cryin' Hank crying
Apr 29, 2009
Cambridge, ON
So if the team stays, Matt pays this years 25 mil loses (or whatever it was), correct? If it leaves, the bill falls back on Glendale? Ouch. Double whammy.

Yeah, but they don't have to issue the bonds, get the parking rights for free and get a discount on arena management fees...:D


Registered User
Dec 22, 2010
I truly hope the NHL stops playing around and puts their foot down. Someone should ask the COG if they plan on selling the bonds no matter the interest rate. That's the big question.


Jul 7, 2010
The dude is an investment banker. Runs his own derivatives trading company. Why would he need the NHL's help in getting financing?

Besides, if he can't come up with his own $100M, he's way way to poor to run a big league professional sports franchise.

Fortunately we're only talking about the NHL

Jesus Christ Horburn

Registered User
Aug 22, 2008
I think things are so rotten with the GWI and the COG right now, that I honestly think that we've reached 'the point of no return'.


I think it reached that point the moment COG and Hulsizer started attacking GWI publicly and publishing the opinion pieces in the AZ Republic.

That's about the time it went from Carrie Ann Sitren commenting on the deal to the President of GWI releasing statements.


Registered User
Feb 19, 2010
....of course, because, well, *Canadian sports media*, somehow the fact the team wasn't given to Balsillie or moved to Canada immediately means it has been a "fiasco".

"Criticism may become sweet to the man who can Christen it Persecution".
George Eliot :)


Registered User
Dec 13, 2010
I'm wondering what kind of voodoo conjuring anyone could come up with at this point, to allow MH to buy this team.

The original lease was outlandish enough...I hope there's nothing left!


Registered User
Jan 11, 2011
Here's what we learned today:

Sienfeld was a sitcom circa 1990. One of the principal characters was a short bald man named "George". It seems his key contribution to the show was the phrase "Yadda Yadda Yadda"

He famously invoked said phrase while in an automobile during what appeared to be a date with a retro-styled female.

When situations become cumbersome, it is appropriate to utilize the phrase "Yadda Yadda Yadda". Some members of this forum even campaigned for the phrase to become the title thread. Their attempt did not yield the desired result.

You're up to speed.

Is it conceivable NHL does not own the parking rights because they did not in fact assume either the AMULA or any parking agreements associated with the MUDA? Under Recitals, Item L on Page 2 of the revised MUDA, it reads the “Team and Arena Manager rejected the Arena Lease and Temporary Parking Agreements in bankruptcyâ€. We know the NHL did not assume the AMULA. Nor, did they assume the temporary parking agreement from this. Glendale and Ellman (CCD, I assume) were left to split the 25 million.

I seem to recall GSC arguing that COG’s 25 million in escrow (for the NHL’s losses in 2010-11) couldn’t be challenged under the gift clause because they got something other than just arena operation in return (COG didn’t have to build the 25 million parking structure). But it seems the NHL never assumed the Temporary Parking Agreement in the first place, so how could the NHL waive the obligation of the other party, COG?

I’m confused, help, need lawyers.


Registered User
Feb 19, 2010
Why would he need the NHL's help in getting financing?

They wouldnt give it for starters. Crazy talk. Spit out by Mcown last week & now oft repeated elsewhere as possible fact. But ya; "All because of Gary's ego" according to Bob. Ah, dont think so. I wonder if any of those idiots back there ever stop to realize that if not for the "total incompetence & outsized ego's, arrogance & lying liar ways" of the likes of Gary Bettman, Bill Daly & MLSE they'd all be out of work?.....


Registered User
Aug 3, 2004
From what I'm understanding here, simply the threat of a lawsuit from the Goldwater Institute will sink the deal, right?

Not looking very good. If you play out the scenarios, there is a lot of incentive for Goldwater Institute to go for it as they likely won't even have to prove their case in court. Which really strengthens their political influence in the state.


Registered User
Feb 9, 2011
if it comes to pass, the NHL will shortlist Glendale for an expansion team and we'll see them and Quebec in the league within a decade.


A post recession winning Phoenix hockey club will be fine......A new arena with a better location wouldn't hurt.


It has been a very, very impressive display. From the bankruptcy filing (the only thing the league had no legal ability to prevent) until now, the league has managed to give its constitution ironclad legal support, fortified its right to choose its own members, established favorable precedent for any owner foolish enough to try bankruptcy again, taken total control of one of its franchises including all negotiating power on its behalf, removed a terrible lease, given itself a backup plan that guarantees it gets back its investment regardless of outcome, and established a no-lose situation (for the league) with the team whether it leaves or stays.

It has been sheer genius, if people look at it objectively.

One might say that if genius were evident, the entire situation would have been avoided. Prophylaxis can be your friend.

But, of course, because, well, *Canadian sports media*, somehow the fact the team wasn't given to Balsillie or moved to Canada immediately means it has been a "fiasco".

It has been a fiasco in spite of the NHL's ability to navigate the mine field. Avoiding mine fields is an option you don't consider. (One thing here doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the other.)


Registered User
Jan 6, 2005
It has been a very, very impressive display. From the bankruptcy filing (the only thing the league had no legal ability to prevent) until now, the league has managed to give its constitution ironclad legal support, fortified its right to choose its own members, established favorable precedent for any owner foolish enough to try bankruptcy again, taken total control of one of its franchises including all negotiating power on its behalf, removed a terrible lease, given itself a backup plan that guarantees it gets back its investment regardless of outcome, and established a no-lose situation (for the league) with the team whether it leaves or stays.

It has been sheer genius, if people look at it objectively.
Very impressive. Sheer genius. You know, except for the NHL's complete and utter abject failure at finding someone, anyone, to purchase the Coyotes and keep them in Glendale without receiving city subsidies that violate the state constitution. Minor detail though. Aside from that tiny little nagging issue, very impressive.

Here is an opinion column by Mayor Scruggs:

It's awfully familiar to her press conference from this afternoon.

Funny how Scruggy forgot to mention in her little creative writing project that they're handing over $100 million upfront and $97 million following shortly thereafter to some guy from Chicago just to entice him into signing a lease. Very strange article. The non-hockey-lovin' reader may very well wonder just why in the name of Hades does the city need to be issuing bonds to raise money as part of a lease signing party. Usually the lessor gets money from the lessee, not the other way around.


Let's win it all
Feb 22, 2005
Ah, Stephan Brunt, whom I regard as the best sports writer in the business. I think this is the first time he's written on the subject of the Coyotes. It's similarity to a boxing match probably what inspired him to do the column.

Stephen Brunt is a self important wind bag and was a major Balsille fan during his run at the Coyotes,part of the big Globe and Mail Balsille booster club.

Lately he has taken a back seat to David Shoalts in his attacks on the Coyotes organization and Bettman for trying to keep the team in Phoenix but he was very involved at one time and especially furious with Wayne Gretzky for not beng enthusasic about the proposed Coyotes move to Hamilton.
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