What a classless organization the Niagara IceDogs are. I Was walking down from my seat a bit after the game and as I came down the tunnel to the concourse, and a player and his parents were chirping and harassing innocent Petes fans. I believe it was Ethan Czata and his parents and I truly couldn’t believe it. The kid was blonde. They were complaining about the embellishment penalty the icedogss took and I believe it was Czata who took it. They were yelling at parents and kids walking by saying that “the Petes organization is a joke, they absolutely suck only having 3 wins, the team and their fans are a disgrace” as well as some expletive f words and others that I would not like to share on here. they just kept going. I didn’t engage because it was an absolutely embarrassing classes display of unprofessionalism by that player and his family. They represent that IceDogs logo well because if any organization knows how to treat people poorly, it’s Niagara.
I didn’t want to share this because of this great win but I just couldn’t hold it in. It was absolutely classless. I believe it was Czata but either way it was another player and his family that should be ashamed
That was a great win tonight and it was fantastic to see Bryant dominate his former team!