Peterborough Petes 2024 - 25 Season Thread, Part I

Did Bowen just get traded?
out of the net after 1st period for no apparent reason.......shutting out the Colts 3-0 halfway through the game now
Lol middle of the game that would be hilarious. Has happened in baseball before

One of the announcers on the Cogeco broadcast just said that Zach Bowen was seen leaving the arena on his own accord during the intermission. I think he has been traded.
What a way to find out holy
Any idea who he may or may not have been traded to? My guess is Erie. They need a backup and he can be their starter next year when Erliden is gone
Any idea who he may or may not have been traded to? My guess is Erie. They need a backup and he can be their starter next year when Erliden is gone
Nobody knows if he’s traded or hurt but Oshawa needs a backup I would think as well
Johnston played earlier in stoufville not sure where Gélinas plays but it looks planned to have him here incase of a trade imo
adding hide avatars option

