I agree on the first part, which is the effect of the Columbus game. To me it seems like Laine maybe fell back, at least momentarily now, to the mental health struggles which he hoped he was free from. Nothing uncommon about that though, it happens, and it takes time to bounce back.
Maybe he has the flu as well. Maybe he is feeling fatigued due his brain having to work overtime in order to handle the additional stress from the Columbus-hassle. And yes, it can happen.
I will not guess any more specific details, but I definitely feel for him. I myself have struggled with anxiety for over a decade, which then brought depression and extreme fatigue for the past few years. Was finally diagnosed with ADHD, and after receiving the correct medication for it the fatigue and the depression disappeared. Anxiety stayed but became a tad easier to deal with.
Im not trying to diagnose Laine, only saying that the issues he is dealing with might affect him more than him or others thought. He is also very young when it comes to dealing with e.g. mental health issues. Here's to hoping that he can find ways to minimize the negative effects of mistakes, failure, not reaching his own expectations etc.