You are 100 % right! Thats exactly what I started with, weightlifting, directly after the ADHD-medicine took away the fatigue. And it (lifting weights + running) has helped a lotttt. That together with a diet which you also mentioned. Mind takes a tad longer to find its shape but slowly getting there!You should start going to the gym and lifting heavy shit, that will help. And look into your diet. Stop eating sugar and excessive carbohydrates. And if you really want to make some change you'll want to grow a mullet. It's not a coincidence that many of the greatest men in history has had a mullet. Hell even in hockey the top 2 guys on the all time points list had mullets.
And I have been growing my hair since then too, its not a mullet but I believe it wouldnt do much harm. Just started playing hockey now too for the first time since my teens (20+ years ago), a mullet could give me more respect on the ice!
Mulletman, you are the real deal man, this proves it once again. You are the Laine of these forums. And coming from me thats one of the biggest compliments you can get.