What's he supposed to do ? There's multiple fights going on and it's just him at the start.
I get hating on police is the new trend, but at least do it rationally.
What’s he supposed to do specifically?
Well, let’s see. The one thing he does in this entire incident is say something to Brown Jacket Guy. At that moment, all he needed to do was separate BJG from the fight. There’s an entire row of empty seats around the cop — just move BJG to that area, reducing the number of combatants involved.
What does he
actually do? He stands there passively while BJG tells him off, then turns around and jumps right back into the fight. And what’s the first thing BJG does? He pulls a guy over a row of seats, sending everyone sprawling.
That’s how you end up with a fellow cop jumping over a melee to try and get it under control — and if the comments above are true, that’s how someone lost a finger. Because you have a cop standing there collecting a public paycheck instead of establishing order at the critical moment.
But hey, it’s just one mistake, right? BJG is responsible for his own actions, so the cop’s main responsibility is to see to it that justice is administered, right?
Well let’s take a look at the second video, which shows the aftermath. What happens to BJG? He gets up and… just kind of stands around while FOUR other people are hauled off in cuffs, including Gronk Jersey Lady who did nothing but get punched trying to break it up. After a full minute of just kind of standing there collecting his bearings and waiting to get arrested, he finally just kind of wanders off on his own accord. At no point is he given any sort of instruction. By all appearances, he was free to go.
One cop in that scenario had the opportunity to stop the brawl before it tumbled over the seats, endangering both the civilians and the responders. One cop had the opportunity to arrest the individual who escalated it to that level.
What did he do instead? He literally just stood there watching every other cop actively intervening, and in at least a couple of cases putting their safety on the line to do so. Literally just standing there in the aisle
while active combatants are leaving the scene unidentified.
That’s some bullshit, and a prime example of the worthless cop who can’t be relied upon to do justice to the badge. Hopefully the guy at least gets enough exposure from this to feel some actual shame for being a useless waste of resources at the precise moment when he was very visibly needed.