Registered User
Shut up.So a quote from no one is damning indictment of TLR?
Sox are disappointing that is true and TLR needs to be better but as far as locker room leadership and general team morale don't seem to be issues. Players know they are playing poorly and take accountability of it same as TLR. And even guys like Anderson who were supposed to have issues with TLR hire have had no issues with him or coaching staff at this point and the "Whispers" this source claims haven't been showing up anywhere the last 2 years
I dont take "Unnamed sources" and "Whispers" as serious especially in this era when it's the go to for everything from media. Unnamed sources have become lazy way of reporting and in several instances actively proved to be untruths and raise questions about writers and bias they may have
It's not like situation like 04 Cubs in which Lockeroom is toxic and everyone is refusing to accept blame for situation or blaming media/outsiders (Remember Cub players publicly attacking Stone and others)