How could Blake have known?
No one gives a shit about your life experience and your fake percentage numbers. In my experience, I always talk back when someone is talking shit to me.
Standing up for yourself means you’re letting the bully know you’re not gonna continue taking that abuse lightly. If it becomes a fight, so be it but that doesn’t mean that’s what you want.
I clearly won. You keep insisting that I condone unprovoked violence when I’m just defending the Rams fan who was assaulted first and defended himself. I don’t give a shit about the support you’re getting.
And I thought you went to bed.
Who is no one? I'm adding to the discussion, you seem to be the only one who doesn't give a shit or others that I respect like RP, Ziggy or Ibleed would tell me so. As far as fake percentages, how many people attend sporting events every year and how many end up hospitalized, how are my percentages fake?
I don't consider someone talking shit about my team or me supporting said team to be abuse. I laugh it off for the exact reason that others have said in this thread that you are "winning". I (and most sane people) are not going to potentially ruin our lives by getting into a fight at a sports venue because someone is insulting us or our teams. If you want to be one of the 1% that everyone laughs at and rolls their eyes at go right ahead. That is not me, just not worth it, my life is to good and happy to risk physical harm or jail time depending upon the outcome.
Myself and others called you out in this thread because you typed "LMAO!!" upon hearing that a human being ended up in a coma as a result of a fight at sporting event. Most people react differently upon hearing such news.