Yeah it's in the past...12 pills a day, EEG's and blood work every month from about 1976 to 1983....So it was basically half my life at that point.
I remember when I was told that I didn't have to take medication anymore. They weened me down for a couple of years after I had my last seizure...12 to 9 to 6 to 3 to 1 then done. Really was the greatest day ever.
The seizures weren't that big of deal, it was more disruptive than problematic. I had "petit mal". The majority of the time no one could even tell it was happening, my mother could though. It was a paralyzing 10 to 30 seconds. Some people told me my nose would twitch and I would just freeze and stare into space. It was kind of like being in plexiglass box where you couldn't do anything but were completely aware of everything happening around you, conversation, smells, noises everything but you couldn't move, speak or react... Made school impossible and had to be tutored at home for a couple of years until the seizures were under control.
One problem though is if I happen to need to take a piss and was holding it and had seizure...No good. No control of anything.