What will you get fixed?
im fine with neutral reffing i just dont see how the day before a game it comes up
What will you get fixed?
I can agree that the procedure is wrong. The "best" isn't the "best" in all circumstances.
I do not think this is up to debate. If you got a game with two nations involved the the refs should be from other nations.
[Insert Crazy pills gif]
It's not only canadian ref would have ben just as bad if it was Swedish ref... I want it to be a neutral ref jug this game... Nothing more nothing less ther will allways be an "if"
im fine with neutral reffing i just dont see how the day before a game it comes up
Well yeah. I agree in a perfect world the refs are neutral. My issue in this thread has been with people saying that because the refs are Canadian we are trying to cheat and fix the game because it's simply not the case.
Exactly, it's just unnecessary. People will always find a way to complain, it's just in our nature.Yep, it's frustrating that the IIHF voted for all Canadian referees because people will always hold it against them in one way or another no matter the result tomorrow. Even if they ref a perfect game, people will find a way to complain. It's just a needless distraction. Those are the cards we were dealt as fans however, and all we can do is hope for a well officiated game. Personally, I hope they just put the whistles away and let em play.
I understand the concept of avoiding any perceived perception of bias, but would not put that in the way of having the best referees in the game. I am fine with who the IIHF has chosen (as apparently are both of the teams playing in the game), but can see that for some the optics of having a couple of American NHL refs would look better. As was noted in the original thread, there seems to be a cultural difference here. I haven't followed or cared about the nationality of the refs in any of the games, while for the European posters this seems to be a bigger deal. I don't recall any Americans making a big deal of having Canadian refs in the finals in 2010 either.
As far as bias goes, and I know another poster touched on it but it seems they were ignored, most of the match fixing or point shaving scandals I am aware of have been for cash. Not only are NHL refs the best in the business, but they make a very good living and should be less susceptible to that sort of thing than others. With the resumes of the selected refs I expect they are all in the upper range of NHL salaries (somewhere around the $200k mark), and any signs of partiality would jeopardise thier current employment.
As far as Olympic scandals go, most of the issues in judging/refereeing have come when those in question are beholden to thier national federation, which NHL referees are not.
I'll quote the Swedish coach to sum up my thoughts on referee nationality: “I don’t care,†said Par Marts, the Swedish coach.
Canada has had a Canadian ref in each of their games this tournament. They have also had a Canadian linesman in each of their games except for one. Canada has never has less penalty minutes than their opponents in any of the games, despite dominating time of possession, shots, and every other metric that would point to drawing penalties. Where is the bias?
My problem with the Canada vs Latvia game, was that they didn't give Canada a lot of pps during the game. Instead, the waited until the end of the game, where they gave Canada pps for things they didn't call earlier in the game.
The same thing happend in the game versus Finland. They waited untill the the end of the game, before giving Canada pps.
The fact that Canada has the least amount of powerplays also shows that something is wrong. Call a penalty when it is a penalty. Don't wait until the end of the game when it's time for the game to be decided. That for sure, is a momentum-boost.
I'm not as impressed as you are with the Canadian refs this tournament. Sorry.
Konstantin Olenin (RUS), Jyri Rönn (FIN), Brad Meier (USA), Tim Peel (USA) to name some.
Well they were calling swedes crybabies/whiners at first.
It's like kindergarten in here.![]()
My problem with the Canada vs Latvia game, was that they didn't give Canada a lot of pps during the game. Instead, the waited until the end of the game, where they gave Canada pps for things they didn't call earlier in the game.
The same thing happend in the game versus Finland. They waited untill the the end of the game, before giving Canada pps.
The fact that Canada has the least amount of powerplays also shows that something is wrong. Call a penalty when it is a penalty. Don't wait until the end of the game when it's time for the game to be decided. That for sure, is a momentum-boost.
I'm not as impressed as you are with the Canadian refs this tournament. Sorry.
My problem with the Canada vs Latvia game, was that they didn't give Canada a lot of pps during the game. Instead, the waited until the end of the game, where they gave Canada pps for things they didn't call earlier in the game.
The same thing happend in the game versus Finland. They waited untill the the end of the game, before giving Canada pps.
The fact that Canada has the least amount of powerplays also shows that something is wrong. Call a penalty when it is a penalty. Don't wait until the end of the game when it's time for the game to be decided. That for sure, is a momentum-boost.
I'm not as impressed as you are with the Canadian refs this tournament. Sorry.
Well, Brad Meier is reffing this game.
And I'd like to point out that the rest of this is in no way directed at you, but, they chose the best refs available.
These refs are professionals. They make a living off of reffing games fairly. Do you think they're going to actively favour Canada if it shows them to be a mediocre ref. If they do this then they will significantly lose out on money as they will not be allowed to ref games in the olympics or the Stanley Cup playoffs.
And a lot of you are talking about the idea that they might mess up a 50/50 call at a critical part of the game. What's more likely, the best refs in the world messing up a call, or mediocre refs messing up a call. Give me the best refs available
Hell, look at the Canada-USA women's game. That game was reffed by a British ref. That ref was way over her head. There were a lot of questionable calls there that didn't favour one team over the other. Things that should have been a penalty not called. Things that shouldn't have been a penalty were called. And things that should have been called a penalty for one thing were called a penalty for something else. I would rather avoid an issue like that in this game.
And judging by this article it seems that even the Swedish players agree with me
For any of the Swedes here, it's in Swedish, for others, feel free to use google translate.
And a TLDR on that link based on what the Swedish players are saying:
- Karlsson says it makes no difference. He adds that he's been reffed by them in the past and has met them
- Henrik Tallinder said that they're the refs they deal with in everyday life. He adds that they prefer them to be Canadian refs from the NHL because they have a relationship with the refs
- He says that if the ref does make the wrong decision he can reason with them and make sure the call is right, something that would be impossible with a Russian or a Czech ref (his words, not mine)
- Jonas Gustavsson agreed with him, adding that he would rather have an NHL ref than someone where you don't know where he's coming from and what his reffing style is
- Former NHLer Markus Naslund also added that he has a hard time seeing Meier and Sutherlan not being professional enough to be able to referee a game objectively
But by all means, continue making up excuses just in case Sweden loses
Nej, jag skiter fullständigt i vad domarna gör. Bara att se i går, vi hade två powerplay och jag vet inte hur många Finland hade men vi vann ändå. Det är inget vi lägger fokus på.
What abut an all US ref team so that you get your NHL refs at the ice. Is that so wrong?
Yes, that is great. If the other guy and one of the linesmen had been Olenin and Rönn no one would have talked about this.Well, Brad Meier is reffing this game.
No I don't really belive they will, we're just thinking what if there's a controversial call, what do you think people will talk about then if the refs are canadians?These refs are professionals. They make a living off of reffing games fairly. Do you think they're going to actively favour Canada if it shows them to be a mediocre ref. If they do this then they will significantly lose out on money as they will not be allowed to ref games in the olympics or the Stanley Cup playoffs.
I don't think they are much better than the mentioned KHL-referees, hence why I included Peel in that comment, one of those godly NHL-referees... who most people actually think sucks.And a lot of you are talking about the idea that they might mess up a 50/50 call at a critical part of the game. What's more likely, the best refs in the world messing up a call, or mediocre refs messing up a call. Give me the best refs available
Yes. First of all they would not be allowed to say anything as it would cause a complete frenzy in the media and they would most likely lose focus, but it's true - We think the refs will do their job, we're just saying that it's unprofessional and unnecessary to make such a controversy a possibility. (Heck, Duchene even admitted that he'd say the same if the tables were turned.)And judging by this article it seems that even the Swedish players agree with me
There's the kindergarten again, mate. Those kinds of comments just derails the thread.But by all means, continue making up excuses just in case Sweden loses
Haha, nope it's not the thread. Here's how it will continue to go on:/thread
Karlsson said he dident give a **** if Sweden gets more peneltys he just focusing on the game...
Wich is I dont give a **** what the ref is going to do, just look at yesterdays game, we hade two powerplays i dont know how many the fins had, but we won anyway, so this is not a thing we focus on.
[My own opinion: But still it will be question if the ref make a bad call and one of the team score and win the game because of that...]
Way to ignore the part where Tallinder and Gustavsson said they prefer having the NHL refs than any of the other KHL, SHL, or European refs
– Det är personligheter vi har att göra med i vardagen där borta, sÃ¥ man kan nästan tjafsa med de här domarna. Om man tycker de har gjort ett dÃ¥ligt beslut sÃ¥ kan man ändÃ¥ resonera med dem. Det är skillnad om man gÃ¥r till en ryss eller en tjeck, ursäkta, men det blir inte samma engelska och inte samma flyt i matchen, säger ”Tallen” i Viasats studio.
Detroit-målvakten Jonas Gustavsson håller med.
– De är där av en anledning, för att de är riktigt duktiga domare. Hellre en duktig domare än nÃ¥n man inte riktigt vet var han kommer ifrÃ¥n och inte har samma nivÃ¥ som man är van vid, säger ”Monstret”.
Way to ignore the part where Tallinder and Gustavsson said they prefer having the NHL refs than any of the other KHL, SHL, or European refs
No they didn't say that. They said they don't see anything wrong with having canadian referees, there is a difference.
Add to that an obvious tense feeling in the studio suddenly and that both of them is under contract to NHL and NHL is the part that wanted NHL-referees in the big games in the Olympics, well there's is your answer.