Beyond November. They will start manufacturing it in late October/November, so when it's actually released, it might be closer to Christmas time, which makes more sense sales wise. To finish that quarter MASSIVELY.
My only gripe with Apple right now is the OS, I wish they would just update it so we can do some of the things Android can. Folders, having documents, adding documents, but then they would need to add that functionality to Itunes and that annoys me to no end.
On another note...
I bought an Iphone 6s for my mom, the guy that owned it was the legit owner as he showed me the receipt but refused to hand me the receipt for warranty purposes, a few days later, he icloud locked my phone and told me he would unlock it for $100 more. I'm angry enough to track him down and knock him out. Second time I've been burned buying an Iphone 6s for my mom second hand.