Go to the store…..problem solved.
Since I was a victim of someone coming up and stealing our packages a few days ago by following the Amazon truck, I'll answer too. We only have 1 car. My father picks up my nephew every day from school. He enjoys it. He'll take him to go get food or an ice cream and then he'll take him home. He'll stay at my sisters house with him until she gets home from picking up her daughter from HS. My dad will then take her to drumming or to work because he enjoys it and keeps him busy.
Where does that leave my mom? Well she can't go out shopping now can she? And the weather was icy and snowy when she ordered these things. 1 happy birthday card. 2 pacifiers. and an outfit for my niece. Amazon had it delivered in 1 day so my mother could have the card in time.
Not everyone has access to going to the store. Also, nobody wants to go and risk getting any of the nasty sicknesses that are flying around. Especially my mom. So, Amazon is convenient for many. It helps Non able bodied disabled people get what they need. (Not saying my mom is disabled but the point still stands)
"Just go to the store" seems like a simple idea, but not everyone can.
How about these thieves should stop being assholes and stealing things that don't belong to them?
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