Kris King's Ghost
We can say this has all of the earmarks of a Dolan temper tantrum, but that still leaves so many questions about what set it off. Was it missing the playoffs? Was it getting manhandled by Wilson with no response? Was it the team statement? Was it the lifeless games against the Islanders? Was it all of the above combining to become a personal embarrassment to Dolan?
But the question I am most intrigued by is how does Drury come out of this unscathed? He was heavily involved in all of the decisions up to this point, and yet he looks better to Dolan than JD and Gorton. His two superiors get canned, and he Littlefingers his way to President/GM. (I'm not saying Drury did anything underhanded. I am just curious to see how we got down this path.)
The answer to the first paragraph is yes. All of the above.
And yes, the second part is very interesting and frankly tends to align with your first sentence.