As I've talked about before, but ADA always walked a fine line. And sometimes it took him out of the lineup. But, for the most part, he more or less kept himself in check for a while.
Starting around late last year, his behavior began to draw an increasing amount of attention. Whether it was fan interactions, or interactions with teammates, it got noticed for the wrong reasons. Maybe it was quarantine, maybe it was the election, maybe it was the security of signing a nice new contract. But something shifted. He was told multiple times to tone it down. Then he was told flat out to knock it off. Then he was told he was on his last chance.
Each and every time, he blew it. In fact, his conduct actually became more abrasive and distracting. Some of your older members of the team even tried talking to him --- namely Trouba. But he kept pushing and pushing and pushing. Finally, it boils over.
It wasn't just one thing. It was multiple. And now it was becoming an issue with his teammates. They might like the hell out of you, but if they don't trust you, it's all over. He lost their confidence. The fight was just the straw that broke the camels back.
The reason why they went public was because his behavior was not a secret. It was going to leak out no matter, assuming there was anyone in the league who didn't already have some idea what was going on. The thought was also to nip it in the bud so that it wouldn't be a question that came up every single game --- especially when the Rangers were struggling.
No team in the league was going to trade for him without doing their homework. And that's where it really fell apart for ADA. Word leaked out about some of his social activities, teams were sent screen shots of messages he was sending people, and some of it was was bad. Let's not even sugar coat it. It was bad.
So now you have this growing list of concerns. And, he's doing it AFTER he's sent home from the team. Burner accounts, new accounts, new platforms, etc.
He was toast at that point. Because literally anyone interested is looking at this and saying, "You didn't learn a thing! How can I give you another chance right now."
Now, having sat for a season, he'll probably get an offer next season. GMs are always willing to gamble on talent. But there is no way they were trading for him at the salary with those concerns. Doesn't matter if the Rangers said he was done, or told the world he was taking a year off to serve as a Christian missionary. He was dead in the water.