Most here know where we sit.
The first years I had my ST, the front row (on the glass) had guys that had sat there since the old Garden. Some of them were a little rough around the edge but knew the game of hockey and were a blast to chat with. They were priced out.
The two seats in front of us (right next to the favorite seats at the Garden) still have the same owner. He used to go to all of the games but now sells most. When he used to come, he brought all 4 kids, and they
all sat in 2 seats...they were little. We didn't see him for a few years. He has purchased the two seats next to us. He has come to a few games this season and was there last night. His son and daughter come now but are adults now.
There is a lady whose family has had Bs seats for all 100 years who sit in the front row in the 2 aisle seats. She comes to some games. She is nice.
The other 6 seats are owned by an insurance company. Some folks that come are OK but then there are the pink hats who just want to drink and get on the jumbotron. I miss the guys who were a bit rough but were fun and knew hockey.
There were 8 seats in my section (it is split in half by the tunnel where the Bs come out)...Now there are 10. Seats are smaller.
sigh...Sometimes I miss the old days (quite often now...not just hockey) but our first few years the team was pretty bad.
anyway....I will always be a Bs fan but it is more fun when they win