Yeah I think Superstar Carey is gone too but there are those stories about those old grey hair long toothed players that find god mode in the playoffs for one last hurrah, not that Price is old but he is probably on the downslope of his career. Like take me for example, I'm on the down slope of my years, getting a little long in the tooth, yesterday I was playing pool watching a game and I thought can I walk all the way upstairs to the fridge to get a beer? Lesser men would have thought nope, can't be done but I powered through the climb up 13 steps to get all the way to the fridge... now in my younger years, I might have not had the old man determination to power through that climb but hey Old man determination will beat young man effort every time ...
Joking aside, the Habs are less at every position than us but that is what can be their advantage, they have nothing to lose, they can play all loosey goosey, the pressure is on us to not choke.