An annoying aspect of TotK I just ran into is the AI of your sage friends as they help you battle.
I'm trying to beat all the monsters at the Lurelin Village, I keep getting like 90% of them beat but then dying. A couple times because I was looking for Yonobu or whatever his name is to do the rolling fire attack, but he's just running around aimlessly or leading me into slaughter by running into enemy attacks. Just stay by me bro so I can use you every 20 seconds. So annoying.
Worse, is that I'd been saving the game at the halfway point hoping to save my progress, but when you die and reload, it repopulates every monster but still charges you for every item or weapon you used before saving, which is bullshit.
If it don't beat it on the next few tries, I'll just go power up and replenish materials before trying again.
Edit: went back to an earlier save with all my materials and ended up succeeding in the quest. Still annoying though.