1 year 1 month 1 day and counting
Nah you good.Oops, forgot. My bad.
Brilliant post. Brilliant selection.
Nah you good.Oops, forgot. My bad.
I’ll make my own before I do thatCilantro is a big part of a banh mi, but I usually pull some off too. The crispy chicken version isn't traditional, that was just Macona's take on it. Maybe you'll have to bite the bullet and make a trip over to shit hole NJ after all...
@Striiker If you were going to snipe my car, I am very glad you included the proper color. Good job. That blue is as synonymous with the R34 as any other famous association like British Racing Green.
Oh yeah, it's gotta be bayside blue!
That's the nicest thing you've ever said to/about me.You're bayside blue.
I actually just got Need for Speed: Heat two days ago just so I could customize and play with the Skyline.
And now that I think about it, @JojoTheWhale , I literally have a diecast model of it (from the movie) sitting right next to me on my desk.Sorry to take your pick, but I've been on top of this one for a long long time.
And I’m glad to find someone who also appreciates it.Nono, not at all. I'm just glad someone who actually loves the car took it. That rules.
What's not to like about finally finding a specific style you like and then realizing it's 10x what you planned on paying?furniture shopping is never fun
What's not to like about finally finding a specific style you like and then realizing it's 10x what you planned on paying?
<3 FirenzeIt can always get better. I was never coming back from Florence if it wasn't for work, I assure you.
I just can't stand the heat. Loathe it. I love New Orleans but August makes me want to die. I turned down my dream job because I tried to live in Vegas and couldn't. It's just what works for you.
This is absolutely trueSummer here isn’t much different from Jersey cept the nights are warmer and the season runs from April thru October.
S tier - Euro citiesHaving the ability to run errands on foot is the best part about city living to me. If it's a nice day, I don't want to be stuck in traffic and miserable. So I found a place that's a city but is only crowded for ~25% of the year because it's what works best for me.
But my SO prefers it away from people too, so we probably will. The debate is just whether we go rural or mountainous. Basically we'll buy something as far out as we can go while still getting good enough internet to work from home. She wants to remodel an old farmhouse.
How does one draft a shoe? I don’t even wear shoes unless I have to. I have wide feet. And always black, all black shoes I never liked white shoes. but my preference is open-toed sandals but looks like that’s off the board.
Although I’ve been toying with the idea of looking up custom shoes with bright colors because I need to change things up. I went from a black car to a purple car so I am in need of an evolution. So I guess I’ll pick like some custom Vans since this forced me to do some research.