It's a good thing I have two armpits - I have a lot of things that need to be stored.
Young Sandwich has to make up two, soon to be three, picks when he gets back from his sex holiday in Sandals, Jamaica. Tan everywhere. Jan everywhere. Striiker has to make up two picks when he feels better. Hurricane28 has to make up one pick at some point. Cannon has to make up his pick when he decides to stop ignoring me and start stopping going to carnivals. Asnito is about to get his ass cut to ribbons. "Is the Quackverse dying?" No, but you are. Damn, Diane.
Aside from all those headaches you have given me, most of which are related to #Boxes, we start the day with
@GKJ on the clock,
@ajgoal on deck,
@Asnito's bleeding carcass hemorrhaging on the lido deck, and Rebels on the lido afterdeck. Speaking of headaches and pains in my ass, that f***ing automerge is still around. Who could possibly want that shit? Very frustrating.
On the other hand, "Stranded" got much more enjoyable. Don't get me wrong, it was still very stupid, but it became watchable. It was only seven episodes, and it ended on a cliffhanger, but it was made in 2019, so there's no sign that there either will or won't be more seasons. F***ing COVID really f***ed TV. I did start season seven of "Engrenages," and it was like settling down to sleep under comfortable, soft blankets, or would be for someone who sleeps well. Unfortunately, my nights are taken up by pee need and snake nightmares and back pain and very little actual sleep. So there's that.
Hopefully we'll get some action in here today before Deputy Defect departs this mortal coil.