Pup had her surgery today and hasn't stopped crying the entire ride or since she got home.

There's pain meds but they have to wait until a little later.
They had to make a long cut from the shoulder-blade area vertically down her leg and remove it from under muscle, apparently. Although the vet said its positive that what was removed seemed to be pretty "encapsulated".
Now the pup has to be kept calm and still, as much as possible, for the next two weeks until the staples are removed. Luckily she has a vest thingy on for the entire time and no bandages need to be changed, so the incision isn't exposed or in any danger of being licked/bit/scratched/scraped. I'm currently icing the area with a small pack of frozen brussel sprouts, which seems to be helping a little because the crying is getting a bit softer and shes closing her eyes a bit.