For Team 80's Nude Scene, we just have two words for y'all: Phoebe Cates
The year is 1982 and young mja is more interested in Scooby Doo than in the female form, but some time later, likely in the early 90's, adolescent mja would have finally come across Kate from Gremlins being, as Cap likes to say, a total rocket.
@Young Sandwich, I know what you're thinking, you already wisely took the iconic FTaRH scene, but please keep your pants on, because, to paraphrase Yoda, there is another 1982 film featuring um, lots, of Phoebe Cates. What's that? You don't own pants? Sigh.
Anyway, it's interesting that Cap should talk about paradise this morning, because that's exactly where I'm headed.
Paradise (82) is a Blue Lagoon ripoff in which Phoebe Cates, along with Chachi's sidekick from Charles in Charge, avoids capture from an Arab slave trader while discovering sex and getting naked as much as humanly possible. From what I recall, it's a terrible and even boring film, but I can pick out at least three separate scenes that would pass muster here. That said, I just have to pick the scene where Cates' character takes a long shower under a waterfall in a cave.
@Lord Defect, I can well wait to see what defectiveness is headed our way, but go ahead anyway, I suppose.