Yeah, Columbus can go a lot of places with the pick. I would lie if I said that the Silayev talk didn't make me a little nervous. A new GM sure throws another spanner in the works as well. We'll see. I do still have a hard time seeing them go for Silayev when anyone of Demidov, Levshunov or Lindstrom (assuming no back problems) is there, though.
Chicago and Anaheim could go a few different ways too, though. Though I feel like Demidov-Levshunov is the most likely scenario, Chicago could easily go with Levshunov or Lindstrom. And I have had a feeling for a while that Buium could go to Anaheim, particularly if Levshunov is not there.
Incidentally, my personal top 4 have the same players. I wasn't high on Lindstrom before, but I've really come around to him lately. I have more of a top 5 that I like and Levshunov rounds that out, so I would be happy with him too, though I think he's the most probable player to be gone after picks 2 and 3.