I just finished watching because I’m at work riding around on a patrol so I drive, park somewhere, watch, pause, drive some more, park, etc.
Game was just an ugly hockey game. Neither team looked good. The Rangers started great. The final five or six minutes of the first and then the entire second was LA. The third was just ugly ping pong back and forth.
Considering it’s a back to back road game it’s hard to criticize too much. All the same things that I always say hold true but getting upset over this game seems silly at this point. It wasn’t as bad as I expected it to be in terms of we were in it the whole game. The team has no character, little talent, poor leadership. This game is basically a throw away. Doesn’t make my convictions about this team any stronger as there’s little to judge in a tight back to back road game, but it certainly didn’t do anything to alter my feelings or make me feel any better about this team/season either.
This is the year to sell and retool if ever their were one. Hard decisions need to be made. The Rangers could ice a very different team next year and there’s a good chance they’d be right back in the midst of the playoff action but likely miss the playoffs this year or they can push for the playoffs this year (when they clearly don’t have the horses to do anything if they get there), ice a very similar team next year and continue to be overwhelmingly mediocre. I’m willing to gamble on the odds that they can retool enough in one year to be right back in the mix next year if they shake things up.