Sure you did:
"Your last sentence is really the tell though. There isn't a strategy or metric you'd accept.
Any debate is really just performance art."
The numbers are hard to pin down, but according to the CDC (
COVID-19 Provisional Counts - Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics) 6% of deaths were due to COVID alone with no co-morbidity. With 300,000 deaths, that is
18,000 who died of SARS-CoV2 alone in 2020. 22,000 died of the flu last season, 61,000 2 seasons before that. Are we supposed to lockdown society every flu season now? What kind of logic is this? Spare me the righteous indignation of "this level of death" and consider instead the "level of misery" and damage the harsh lockdowns are causing especially to lower income workers who live paycheck to paycheck and can't just ride this out for a year like you or me
This isn't the bubonic plague, we're not seeing half the population die. We're seeing a fraction of a percentage, and we know who is more susceptible.