Not that it is necessarily false that an NHL coach knows more than Random Guy On The Internet, but the fact that a coach has decided to play one player over another doesn't prove that to be the case whatsoever..
BB wades into this convo perfectly by acknowledging what merits lie with the foundation of S5's thought process. He then carefully explains the flaw
You're arguing that the coach knows best because he decided to do something, regardless of what that thing is, I.E. the coach is infallible
Here he clearly explains where the flaw was and he followed up later with a good use of an extreme hypothetical to drive home the point. The hypothetical was clearly not literal.
S5 immediately misconstrued that as a literal statement.
Yes, a coach who watches the team practice almost every day does have a better sense of a players ability. On top of that, you don't get to be an NHL coach without knowing more than 99.9% of keyboard jockeys..
S5 seems to have completely failed to grasp the opposing viewpoint in every single way imaginable. These are points that were already countered in the previous post and yet he makes these points again anyway.
It's a hypothetical. If Quinn decided to do that, would he be correct in doing so in your opinion? Your line of argumentation states that you would consider the move to be correct, since the coach thought it was correct.
10/10. Perfectly clarifies and highlights the flaw in S5's logic again in a clear, easy to understand way. S5 has to address the actual point now.
Please stop. I'm not arguing anything. I'm stating a fact. Coaches know more about the game and their team than anyone else, the least of whom are HF posters..
Argumentation: the action or process of reasoning systematically in support of an idea, action, or theory. S5 misunderstands and takes it as
Argument: Opposing a view, usually in an angry or heated fashion. He also reiterates his stance even though everyone understood it before.
I'm stating a fact. Coaches know more about the game and their team than anyone else, the least of whom are HF posters
S5 prepares us for an upcoming fact that he is going to communicate but he immediately offers a factually inaccurate opinion instead. LOL. Later, after reiterating his stance yet again, S5 offers this:
And, how does one discern whether a coach's move was correct
Not by blindly accepting every decision a coach makes, that's for sure.
Questioning a coach after every loss is going to make a tough season even tougher.
Maybe... for some people who actually DO that. Many of us can handle questioning a coach only occasionally, when a decision seems particularly egregious.
Why make this hypothetical example?
This was my fav part. Because it was answered waaay earlier. S5 then decides to veer the conversation into a ravine and starts to build what he thinks is a great counter point.
Am I appealing to authority? Nope. If I walk into a Thomas Keller's French restaurant and order a dish I have never tried before, should I question the chef's preparation? Maybe, but it would be silly of me to think I know more about French cooking.
But it flames out horribly when he douses it with terrible analogies and a completely incorrect conclusion (When he states he is not appealing to authority even though he has...repeatedly.)