Nash and the Ref?

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Dec 28, 2004
BigE said:
I didn't say that others hadn't seen it - don't put words in my mouth. I said that most commenting had not seen it but were judging on the picture alone. When you read posts like "look at the picture, he deserves the tournament!" that is what I was talking about.

Get a clue.

'My comment was made before anyone had seen the tape and the point was that Canada isn't treated any differently than anyone else, nor should we be.'

Slight contradiction there, eh? ;) Post 266 in this thread. No need to put words in your mouth, I'd say.


Registered User
May 15, 2004
Well, now that I've seen the Jagr clip, close this thread cuz nothing more can or should be said about Nash.


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Jul 14, 2003
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Macman said:
Well, now that I've seen the Jagr clip, close this thread cuz nothing more can or should be said about Nash.

Jagr should have been suspended for that. But what sort of logic are you using saying that this Nash incident now should be forgotten, because Jagr did not get punished some years ago on an incident that most of us had not even seen? People should have brought that to everyones attention back then, and Jagr should have been suspended. Simple as that. It does not justify Nash's actions at all.

What Nash does is worse though. He does the same as Jagr (pushing a linesman) AFTER he has hooked the ref twice. Both Nash and Jagr pushed a linesman (both should have been suspended on that alone) and Nash also used his stick against the ref (that should add to his suspension even more). If your logic is "because Jagr got away with that, everyone else should too", you are the main reason why this Nash incident should not be overlooked. If people create (and rightfully so after these examples) a silly idea, that the refs are not untouchable, this will just get worse and the refs will become prey. When they let these things slide, they give a horrible message to every player and to the audience. Two wrongs dont make it right, you should know that. If I had seen the Jagr incident back then, I would have voiced my opinion just like today with the Nash incident. These guys are getting a special treatment because they are stars, and that is just simply awfully wrong.


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Dec 29, 2004
norrisnick said:
No it isn't. Bowman did it ALL the time.

He sure did. Even as a Red Wings fan, in 1998 I was upset Bowman got classy Joe Sakic suspended for the first game of the playoffs by seing in a clip of a questionable Sakic hit. Guess he knew what he was doing tho, the Avs lost to the Oilers in the first round, the Red Wings trampled through the playoffs and won a second cup.


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Dec 29, 2004
The incident has now being widely talked about on TSN. They think in any other circumstances, that WOULD have been a suspension, and they mentioned Nash had another touching incident with the refs in the pre tournament. They also said that Canada got away with one, and everyone better be on their best behavior, because lightning won't strike twice.


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Jul 14, 2003
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"Morrison said the review of Nash's brush with the officials, which came from a tape from Swedish television, was a hot topic among the players but ''we thought it was funny more than anything else.

''With a young guy like that, I think it went right over his head and he didn't think too much about it.''

Yeah that's what I am afraid too...that he really did not even stop to think about it, and will do it again when ever he feels like it.

''I was never worried,'' said Nash. ''From a team standpoint, the guys who had to deal with that told me not to be worried.

How about "I'm sorry"?


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Dec 29, 2004
psycho_dad said:
"Morrison said the review of Nash's brush with the officials, which came from a tape from Swedish television, was a hot topic among the players but ''we thought it was funny more than anything else.

''With a young guy like that, I think it went right over his head and he didn't think too much about it.''

Yeah that's what I am afraid too...that he really did not even stop to think about it, and will do it again when ever he feels like it.

''I was never worried,'' said Nash. ''From a team standpoint, the guys who had to deal with that told me not to be worried.

How about "I'm sorry"?

Sorry for what? He's not guilty of anything, remember? ;)

Captain Leaf

Macman said:
Well, now that I've seen the Jagr clip, close this thread cuz nothing more can or should be said about Nash.

Yeah but Jagr isnt a big bad north american :biglaugh:


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Aug 20, 2003
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psycho_dad said:
"Morrison said the review of Nash's brush with the officials, which came from a tape from Swedish television, was a hot topic among the players but ''we thought it was funny more than anything else.

''With a young guy like that, I think it went right over his head and he didn't think too much about it.''

Yeah that's what I am afraid too...that he really did not even stop to think about it, and will do it again when ever he feels like it.

''I was never worried,'' said Nash. ''From a team standpoint, the guys who had to deal with that told me not to be worried.

How about "I'm sorry"?

Apologize to whom? The supposed "victims" here said he didn't do anything wrong!
Maybe apologize to all of the Swedish school kids who were traumatized by the whole incident?

Rocky Saginuts

Registered User
Jul 21, 2004
Hamildump, Ontario
Psycho Dad = :cry:

I don't get all the outrage. Come on - letter writing campains and calling for resignations. How about calling for an emergency session at the UN. :confused:

Look, Nash should have gotten a game. He didn’t. Bad call, it’s past, deal with this personal affront as you see fit.

I think the hockey world will survive the atrocity of letting the most exciting player in the world right now play another game or two...or three ;)
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Captain Leaf

Rocky Saginuts said:
Psycho Dad = :cry:

I don't get all the outrage. Come on - letter writing campains and calling for resignations. How about calling for an emergency session at the UN. :confused:

Look, Nash should have gotten a game. He didn’t. Bad call, it’s past, deal with this personal affront as you see fit.

I think the hockey world will survive the atrocity of letting the most exciting player in the world right now play another game or two...or three ;)

Well put Saginuts ..but i hate your avatar ;)
well actually i should love it ..brings back fond memories


Oct 26, 2002
South Cackalacky
What's funny about this thread, is that you have a handful of blatant team Canada homers (Captain Leaf, Macman, etc.) making every excuse in the book for Nash, while basically everyone else (aside from a few loons like Wassup77), from practically every nationality and background represented on this board, calling this for the disgrace that it is.


Registered User
Apr 28, 2003
Wyoming, MN
Steveorama said:
Apologize to whom? The supposed "victims" here said he didn't do anything wrong!
Maybe apologize to all of the Swedish school kids who were traumatized by the whole incident?

What would be so bad about a simple generic apology? You're not supposed to touch the refs. Just a simple "I'm sorry. I got carried away in the heat of the moment."

I suppose that would make the IIHF look even worse, though. It's a shame that so few people are will to be accountable for their actions these days. It's always someone else's fault, or worse yet, nobody's fault. I suppose the days of being a stand-up guy died when everyone got all lawsuit-happy.


Registered User
Mar 12, 2004
New York, NY
Boucicaut said:
'My comment was made before anyone had seen the tape and the point was that Canada isn't treated any differently than anyone else, nor should we be.'

Slight contradiction there, eh? ;) Post 266 in this thread. No need to put words in your mouth, I'd say.

No contradiction at all. Where in that post did I say that absolutely no one had seen the play? It's pretty obvious that there were a few in here that had seen it. Now that I've done more to clarify my point (I really should not have had to in the first place) what is your problem? Can you say that I'm wrong? That no one was judging the play based on the picture alone.

You know, you'd figure that guys like you would realize that it's not just enough to read on these forums but to comprehend as well. As with my last post...get a clue.


The best...
Apr 14, 2005
BigE said:
No contradiction at all. Where in that post did I say that absolutely no one had seen the play? It's pretty obvious that there were a few in here that had seen it. Now that I've done more to clarify my point (I really should not have had to in the first place) what is your problem? Can you say that I'm wrong? That no one was judging the play based on the picture alone.

You know, you'd figure that guys like you would realize that it's not just enough to read on these forums but to comprehend as well. As with my last post...get a clue.

Right when you used the word "anyone."

Dion Mustard*

psycho_dad said:
Yeah that's what I am afraid too...that he really did not even stop to think about it, and will do it again when ever he feels like it.

Doubt that will happen. This is not the first time Nash has done this.

Nash "Bumps" Another Official

Rick Nash's physical interaction with officials at the world hockey championship isn't the first time the former London Knight centre has had a run-in with the striped shirts.

Nash was a rookie when he was suspended for five games by the OHL in March 2001 after making contact with referee Scott Hoberg in the third period of a game in Erie, Pa.

The suspension was for the final four games of the regular season, which cost him a shot at the rookie scoring title, and the first game of the playoffs.

Nash at the time called his suspension "pathetic" and said he was disappointed with commissioner David Branch.

"How can they do that? It was unintentional. I think it's pathetic. They ruined the rest of my season," said the 16-year-old Nash, the Knights' top scorer.

Nash was ejected for physical abuse of an official with no intent to injure -- which calls for a 10-game suspension that may be reduced -- after he crossed paths with Hoberg, who was skating in an opposite direction.

Hoberg told the league there would have been no contact had Nash not stuck out his elbow, tagging the referee on the arm.

Hoberg stayed on his feet.

"I think (Hoberg) was out to get me after the misconduct (assessed Nash at end of the second period for verbal abuse)," Nash said.

That was the seventh time that season the OHL levied supplementary discipline against the Knights, including earlier suspensions to coach Lindsay Hofford and co-owner/GM Mark Hunter.

Branch said at the time the league only had the word of Hoberg and Nash, since the game video didn't show the incident.

"There was a physical involvement between the two, not of a severe nature," Branch said in announcing the suspension.

"This was not worthy of 10 games, but it was a clear violation of what is deemed to be appropriate.

"I understand his disappointment . . . he arguably is the best (rookie) in our league, but hopefully he can put this behind him and we don't have to address this type of situation again."

I was at the game, and Nash is lucky he was only hit with 5 games. If it had been earlier in the year, it could have been more. But Branch doesn't like suspending London Knights come playoff time.


Registered User
Dec 28, 2004
Dion Mustard said:
Doubt that will happen. This is not the first time Nash has done this.

Nash "Bumps" Another Official

I was at the game, and Nash is lucky he was only hit with 5 games. If it had been earlier in the year, it could have been more. But Branch doesn't like suspending London Knights come playoff time.

Looks like there is a pattern emerging here. Being a repeat offender, this guy seems to think he can do anything on the ice. I've certainly lost a lot of respect for him after these tidings.
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Rocky Saginuts

Registered User
Jul 21, 2004
Hamildump, Ontario
OK OK OK Psycho Dad et al. What Nash did was an utter atrocity. Please invite me to the candle-light vigil for those of you so traumatized by the horrific events of last week. We can all sit around and sing Kumbaya and lament the death of hockey’s sacred trust with the refereeing institution… :(

Most people accept he should have gotten a game. He did not get a game. We must move on boys.

I can not fathom how any fan of hockey would prefer to see Mr. Nash suitin’ it in the press box, than out there playing the game. :jump:

Dion Mustard*

Rocky Saginuts said:
I can not fathom how any fan of hockey would prefer to see Mr. Nash suitin’ it in the press box, than out there playing the game.

I can. Simply put, what he did was out and out wrong. And he didn't do it once. HE didn't do it twice, he did it three times. And the third time was so far over the line, he really should have been looking at a heavy suspension. On top of that, this is not his first time doing this.

Doing something to another player is one thing, but physically attacking an official is dead wrong. This is hockey, not soccer.

Rocky Saginuts

Registered User
Jul 21, 2004
Hamildump, Ontario
Dion Mustard said:
I can. Simply put, what he did was out and out wrong. And he didn't do it once. HE didn't do it twice, he did it three times. And the third time was so far over the line, he really should have been looking at a heavy suspension. On top of that, this is not his first time doing this.

Doing something to another player is one thing, but physically attacking an official is dead wrong. This is hockey, not soccer.
Hey, I agreed it was wrong - it's just too late to do anything about it.

Now if you're saying you'd rather see Nash in a tie because you're worried that this incident is the foreboding of rampant referee impalings, well then, we will have to disagree there.

All I'm saying is, MOVE ON :deadhorse


Registered User
Feb 6, 2004
Newark, Ohio
I would like to see Nash admit his mistake publicly. I think if he does not say "im sorry for going to far" it will haunt him for the rest of his NHL carear...... If there ever is an NHL again.

Dion Mustard*

Rocky Saginuts said:
Hey, I agreed it was wrong - it's just too late to do anything about it.

Now if you're saying you'd rather see Nash in a tie because you're worried that this incident is the foreboding of rampant referee impalings, well then, we will have to disagree there.

All I'm saying is, MOVE ON :deadhorse

My biggest issue, is that he is not admitting guilt. Look at what he said after the incident in the OHL. Now look.

I agree with DougKnowsBest. I don't care what the IIHF said. Everyone who has seen the tape can see what he did was wrong. And not a little wrong, a lot.

Say sorry. Say you made a mistake. But, it looks to me like Nash thinks elbowing, hooking and punching officials is okay.
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