Just recently found out that Jesse Stuart passed away. Who is Jesse Stuart? He's the guy in the video below. It was one of the glories of the algorithm. This video encompasses my youth so well. So much fun there. RIP Jesse.
Wow that's brutal, really liked her and Fleetwood Mac .Christine Mcvie has passed away.
Christine Mcvie has passed away.
Another sad day.
Today just also happens to be the 40th anniversary of the release of Michael Jackson's album Thriller.
Just recently found out that Jesse Stuart passed away. Who is Jesse Stuart? He's the guy in the video below. It was one of the glories of the algorithm. This video encompasses my youth so well. So much fun there. RIP Jesse.
Algorithms can be fun. This one is a favorite of along time, the band I've only seen once live, but this version? Wow. Lots of recordings from the 70s are lypsynching. This one? I don't think so.
Grew up with Deep Purple in all of its iterations. Jealously defended the turntable to play entire sides of albums in my youth. This song is close to the pinnacle. The audience is so somber, unlike those of today. They witnessed history and had no idea.
Stepping away from original versions, I loved "Lazy" from the day it was released. Inherent to my character, the song was so relatable. It was iconic on the original album but I felt this version was more enjoyable. The cast of musicians is all-star caliber, the outcome surreal.
Desert island I'd be hard pressed to keep these two out of my top ten. Given the choice of a single album, Machine Head would be right up there.
Never really got into Living Colour and not really sure why. I think it was just timing as much as anything else. Definitely a powerful song and should be played really loud.
Stretching to get this one out of the thread as it wasn't a musical reference in thread, but hey, who doesn't lover SRV?
I'm still trying to scratch my eyes out after that wrecking ball gif from @Ginger Papa and found this one (it ain't Miley):
So much goodness here!
Still pouring doubles!
Making carrot cake jam.
I miss my boys
Also not really a musical reference to derive this from, but it's fun, so enjoy it, dammit.
Then there was the great entwistle/skinwhistle/lutefisk debate. I found this Entwistle that we already knew. Sound doesn't start til about 1:33. Honestly it's an interesting video but can become tedious. The follow up isn't solely about the base and is such an amazing video.