Like I said, I’m not offended. Just wanted to point out a glaring trend I noticed.
There’s a difference between shooting high and taking a considerably worse offer when the asking price for the team that actually acquired the player wasn’t nearly as high as the initial asking price for the Yankees.
Not only that, but even if the initial asking prices were comparable, the Yankees have a better farm system that a lot of teams, even with all of their graduating talent. If the idea was to meet at a middle ground, why not take the offer from the Yankees? Frazier + would have been better for Toronto, but they just shot themselves in the foot by taking less for their ace to spite the Yankees. Even as a divisional rival, why would you not take the best package you can get? The Rangers traded Grabner to NJ because it was the best deal they could get and look at how well that’s worked out so far.
I mean if Atkins wants to make bad moves and hurt his team, by all means, he can continue to do so, doesn’t bother me one bit, less competition to worry about. Just speaking from a strictly logical standpoint, isn’t the idea to get the best package you can get?