Athletic article about robo umps upcoming:
Automated strike zone to debut in Minor League Baseball in...
Looks like it will be introduced into a few minor league parks next year, and the call will be conveyed to the homeplate ump via earpiece so they can make the call.
I wonder how many umps will go rogue and say the opposite of what the robo ump calls.
I think robo umps are the way to go for the MLB, but the biggest obstacle that it faces is...the outrage from fans because the norm strike zone they've been used to all this time is now being 100% called by the rules. So they have to get used to it. Players too. They're used to a strike zone that is constantly shifting game-to-game, inning-to-inning. And they adjust.
The biggest problem with how the homeplate umps call the
So in that you adjust the strike zone definition? You know you're going to get the correct call most of the time. But to create the easiest transition to the major you adjust the strike zone rules to make it "easier to adjust" or not?
Robo umps, as much as we want them, will be a DRASTIC shift initially, and will require a lot of adjustment from both the player perspective, and fan perspective. It's gonna be rough, but worth it.