I agree with you that he shouldn't operate on his neck. He needs a good message therapist and chiropractor for calibrations to his neck. He's young, he will heal, but he needs to have faith and patience.
Tell you what, I recently recovered from a pinch nerve in my neck that resulted from a neck sprain...when it happened, my right arm went numb immediately, and for the first month, I could not even hold a tooth brush properly to brush my teeth...couldn't even hold a spatula properly to cook...my hand and fingers lost their dexterity...it was frustrating and scary...couldn't grip anything really hard with my right hand...I probably only had 60% strength with my right arm...it was in the middle of the pandemic and lockdowns just began, so I couldn't get any professional help...I slept with upper right backpains every night, which kept me up alot at night...and yes, I could not lift my right arm straight up over my head...while I was awake, I constantly felt pain and it was like there was a giant fish hook pulling on my neck constantly...this lasted for over 7 months when it slowly got better, the numbness went away and the strength came back...I think I'm pretty much all healed up now, but I've lost a lot of weight over those many months.
As difficult as it was, I had to have faith, perseverance and patience...and I worked at my neck, massaging it with my left hand daily...laid flat on my bed every night to do meditation and relaxation, consciously tucking my chin in and pulling my neck upward to stretch out my spine.
I could empathize with Eichel why he's scared, because it is scary, but he's alot younger than I am, and he could get the professional help he needs without doing surgery...he will recover.