Agreed. Time for Mitch to grow a pair and tell his old man to STFU. It was actually time for that long ago and the fact that Mitch has yet to do it is 100% on him.
Grow a pair Mitch, better late than never.
As much as I have railed on Mitch, I do feel
some sympathy from him here - cutting ties with an abusive/toxic parent is never easy. I'm 26 and even I struggle to find the most diplomatic way to tell my parents to chill out (albeit they are loving and far from toxic). Hell, remember Jack Johnson? Poor guy's parents bled him completely dry of all his money and abused power of attorney to put him in debt, and he didn't have a clue. Regardless, at some point, I feel like the team has to step in and tell him "it's either your camp or it's the Leafs. Pick one". And this isn't even solely related to his family or his agent - his security detail was sending hostile DM's to media members who criticized Mitch or his agent. It seems like he just has a serious knack for finding the worst people to surround himself with.
That said, that still doesn't even broach the biggest gorilla on his back which is his very visible inability to handle pressure, and unlike his camp or family... call me pessimistic, but I don't see a resolution to that that involves Mitch staying in Toronto. To me, the well has been irreversibly poisoned with this latest playoff flop. The reality of the situation is, he. created such a massive undercurrent of pressure and eroded his status as fan favorite before the ink even dried on his new contract. And we've already seen how bad he is at handling pressure - if anything, it seems like he's regressed in his ability to handle it. Extremely poor body language, crying in the box after a bad penalty, being really defensive when asked what he can do to improve... he's cracked under pressure before, but never this badly.
Mitch struggled to handle the pressure in 19-20. He eventually rebounded under Keefe but then had a bad playoff run. The noise never really went away during that season, but it got quieter because we had bigger things impact our lives (pandemic). Then this year, he had a great regular season and the noise went even quieter... only for him to shit the bed in the playoffs and for that noise to come back louder than ever. The worst part for Mitch? that noise isn't going away until next April. Nothing he can do to make it go away between now and April of 2022. The pressure is not going to die down anytime soon now. There's no pandemic or time to heal and lick our wounds. Nothing to distract us. He has to learn to live with the noise and the bed he made for himself in Toronto and I ultimately don't think he's gonna be able to - I haven't seen any sign of him progressing in this regard. There's a nasty vicious cycle that's been in play since that contract was signed. He put pressure on himself which he can't live up to -> he doesn't live up to the pressure, which causes the noise and pressure to persist and grow -> repeat. The only way he can break this cycle is by performing in the playoffs... but that's when the pressure peaks and he just hasn't shown to be capable of handling it, and that's ignoring his fatal flaw that gets exposed in the playoffs as a hockey player (can't shoot/not at all a threat to blow one by the goalie). He's basically the hockey Ben Simmons, and the Sixers seem to no longer be in denial about it. The Leafs need to stop being stubborn and in denial about it.
Deep down, I think we all know how this ends. He has another underwhelming playoff performance and gets traded, the Leafs almost certainly lose that trade, and he ends up thriving somewhere where he's not under the insane microscope and pressure he's under here. But despite the Leafs being in a virtually no win situation in a Marner trade, I doubt they accomplish shit with him in his current state. To me, this is a mutually toxic marriage that is headed for divorce and that every party is just currently in denial.