And what happens if their management is crap like Fletcher? It would for sure be another failed Atlanta franchise. And we have yet to see if Seattle and Vegas can sustain if/when they become a bottom feeder which they eventually will as it happens to basically every teams
Vegas will likely be better off than seattle with a bad team since there are constantly people there from out of town who will go to watch other teams but we have no idea how Seattle will do when they are bad and the novelty wore off. Just look at Florida. Success in their first few years and established the fan base and lost it all rather quickly.
What would have happened if Apple or Amazon was poorly managed? That’s not a good argument. You just need good management. That should be the top of the queue give two failures already.
Florida has their own well know location problem, similar to ARZ and Thrashers. You need to be smart and not lazy with the stadium location. Alpharetta is a no brainer, low hanging fruit solution I thought of as soon as I moved here.
I think Seattle and Vegas have sold out all
Of their games. They are good. The new expansion rules allow for a good young team early on with high picks on top. It’s costs them a lot more cash, but the model is tried and true at this point.
As far as people worried about being bigger than the top 4 sports. The NHL has a lot more teams than the NBA and MLB in Canada. NFL has 0.