I don't care - I'm not going to spend all day trying to fear monger into a what if Marner walks scenario so let's stuff his wallet with more money. He was overpaid last round, he's going to be overpaid this round... I'll have him back but I won't have any of this bullshit about how he deserves more than Willie because of this and that minute difference so he can be at whatever feels good to him. I don't care how the finely that cake needs to be sliced and how much more status he may want compared to Willie. If you don't like it, feel free to find the money and location you prefer to be at.
Your first sentence is why Nylander is making 11.5... they overpaid him and he won't walk now.
He's a better player than Nylander, that is why he is worth more.
I just think it is weird to overpay the worse player and let the better one walk.
I'm not sure what the point you're trying to get across is, but even if Marner signed for the same CH% he is at 12.04, so he is likely going to be asking for at least 12.5+
I think it's a mistake to let him walk, I think cap space is very overrated and most GMs spend it poorly, I'd rather a top 5 winger.
I understand where you're coming from by the way, I just think once Nylander was signed to his contract, it set the market for Marner as that + a little bit.