Can we all agree that the problem is team defense, not just a couple of Dmen or goalies? The GF's are decent, GA's... we are almost as bad as SJS(who are horrendous), and far worse than most other teams.
I do think that our goalies have to be much, much, better, but the first thing that needs to be fixed is the PK. I don't know if it's personnel, scheme, ...I suspect the latter more than the former, though having Spurgeon out hasn't been helpful. We are the worst in the league on PK's and it's not close. We stink. Being so woefully unprepared going into the season in this area is bad, but not fixing it is unacceptable, and grounds for being fired, IMO. The new special teams coach should be polishing up his resume, and whoever hired him should be looking over his shoulder, also.
We seem to be trotting out the same players and doing the same thing on the PK. Is anyone looking at successful PK teams in the league, and trying to imitate what they do?
Oh, and can our idiot GM maybe prioritize getting someone who can win a FO, rather than talk about about how the Center position isn't that important ? Maybe have a coach who teaches them how to win FO's?