Offside Review Specialist
The more I learn about Messier the more I feel that he genuinely was a terrible person.
Yeah, as time goes on I see him more and more in that kind of light.
At the time, maybe it's because I was younger and the players just seemed bulletproof to me, but I saw the cheap shots as part of the entertainment. Messier was a guy I "loved to hate" and seemed almost like a wrestling heel out there.
Today, I look back at some of those stunts and think, that man is missing a piece of his soul where a conscience is supposed to go. It's one thing to whack a guy across the shins or give him a jab in the nose, in the heat of battle. Those are things that hurt and then heal up later. But Messier would line guys up with an elbow to the side of the head, driving them right into the glass. Leave them crumpled in a heap, squirming around like a dog that's been hit by a truck. A mentally healthy person just doesn't do something like that, regardless of the competitive circumstances.
More and more, when I see that famous "stare" I realize that the reason it's so intimidating is because it's like looking into the eyes of a shark. He's not a great leader, he's just a psychopath who rightfully terrified normal people. Naming an award after him is just... bad taste.