The Flyers have 7 20 goal scores the Rangers have 3. Flyers are 11th in GPG the Rangers are 16th. The Flyers are clearly the better offensive team. I really don't see how that is arguable. Defense yea... about that.
Ugh, actually today's game against the Montreal Prices dropped them to 18th. The Rangers are a better offensive team than it seems IMO, especially given their start (the Flyers had one too, I know). I still think that the Rangers are not getting lucky. They have one of the worst shooting percentages in the league. It was 28th or 29th or something, they're not the 28th or 29th least talented team. I think if we were to rank them they would be closer to like 12th in offense. I think they're slightly top half. That's taking their above average ability to create pressure and below average ability to convert into account.