I don't think that's what he meant. Just to be careful with Junior guys. Almost every AHLer was once a Junior first liner. Even most of the decent ECHLers are former Junior first liners: in Greenville, Caleb Herbert lead U of Minnie-Duluth in scoring; Allan McPherson led Clarkson U; Shane Walsh led UMASS-Amherst in scoring; Evan Jasper was second on his college team; Branden Troock, Bretton Cameron and Leedahl were WHL first liners (top 3 on the team in scoring); Carter Sandlak was top-3 on his OHL team in scoring; Chapie a first liner in UMASS. That's 9 forwards (3 full lines) who started the season in Greenville who were college/junior first liners, 3 of whom were #1 scorers for their college teams.
Obviously not saying Howden is an ECHLer, but that's the quality of his competition: even most of the top Junior/College players are still ECHLers, and the average Junior/College player will be a gym coach in your local high school.